Re-Homing of a Bird (Please Read) before making the decision....

In the original document, it might also be mentioned that some rescue's also help to re home your bird right from your home and also your Vet can also be a resource.

Some people also re home their birds without any fees, but insist on a donation to the local rescue.

Just food for thought.
Thank you mike for clarifying as I do agree with what you have stated 100%, I just find that I guess in the world I am in which is more so a buisness with rescue then I cannot thrive without a small fee. As for private sales when I have taken in a bird privately do work with it and it is just a foster situation for me I will rehome the bird with no fee but many stipulations so I do agree with that. I looked at the statements like no adoption fees ever and in that case it is completely wrong to say that as then there should be no prices on babies and so on. Thank you I have a clearer understanding of what you meant by the statement:)

By the way just for the record here is a list of the adoption fees, this all is meaning with a cage and age, health, behavior, sadly if plucked or not comes into factor.

Africian Greys-$150-$250
Macaws-$300-$600(only one time did this occur and it was with a blue throated macaw, as well a major Mitchell's went for this as well)

These are just some general adoption fees from a buisness like setting I can agree on being a decent fee, feel free to add your thoughts to it.
Well it's been 6 months since I re-homed Mac the Eclectus. I thought it would get easier with time, but I'm still heart broken and miss this bird terribly, even though he has moved on and progressing greatly. I haven't heard from the new owners in quite a while on his progress. But the last update, his feathers were coming back nicely and their son could do just about anything with Mac that he would never let me do. So even though it turned out to be the best for Mac, it hasn't for me.

My wife asked me why I was taking it so hard still. She noted that It didn't seem to be as bad for me when our 14 year old lab passed a few years ago. She didn't particularly like my response: I told her that there was a big difference, our lab passed away so there was a finality to it. But when you re-home a pet, there's no real finality to it and I know Mac is out there and not home with me. I akin it to a bird flying out an open door never to be seen again, no closure.

My wife told me that what we did seemed to be the best for Mac and to not have done this would have been selfish. Well, sometimes selfishness isn't a bad thing. So I hope for those in my position make sure that they really think through re-homing their bird.
Mike, I am sorry you still feel badly about rehoming Mac, but I do agree with your wife. Sometimes the biggest act of love is the most painful for us to live with. It doesn't help you to resolve how you feel, but would you really want to pull Mac out of a home where he is doing better because it would help you feel better? I am so sorry if that sounds mean, but we just had to make a somewhat similar decision about an adoption. While I really would love to have the bird, I have to face that our home would not be the happiest life for him.

I hope that Mac's new family gives you an update, have you emailed them to see how he is doing? If I had adopted your bird and knew you had placed him with us out of your love and best interest for him, I'd be happy to keep in touch and give you updates! If it has been a while, they may think its easier for you not to hear about Mac, so send a quick email, they might be very happy to hear from you!
Thanks for you thoughts Jen, no, I have not heard from them in a while. But that was by choice. I told them i wanted a couple of updates on Mac after they adopted him and after the third update I basically told them how pleased I was for them and Mac and that he was their bird now and I didn't want them to feel obligated to keep me in the loop. I guess it's because you never really feel like he's your bird if you have to keep the old owner in the loop forever. I 'm just feeling a bit sorry for myself, happy for Mac, but sorry for myself.
I don't think it's so much feeling sorry for yourself as missing Mac... email the people! I disagree that keeping a former family in the loop doesn't mean a bird is part of my family or flock. There is nothing wrong with keeping in touch with old friends! Ask if they have facebook and if they post updates or share stories / photos... ask if you can friend them on facebook, then you can check in without you having any feeling that you obligating them to send you updates personally!

Again, if Mac was in my home, I would be thankful that you placed him with us and understand you just want to know once in a while that its still was the best decision and he continues to do well.

Heck, we keep in touch with a breeder one of our green cheeks is from, she just loves to hear how Monster is doing! And yep, she is a friend on facebook now too!

Send an email, its clear you are not meaning to intrude on anyone...
I'll email them. But my wife is right, I do need to move on as well I reckon.
Yes, I do.

What makes me sad about rehoming a bird is that most owners want to be compensated in some way. Many dogs and cats are given away due to a move, divorce, etc., but when it comes to birds, most ads say adoption fee or for sale. Why can't birds be treated the same way when rehoming as a dog or cat? If you truly love your bird, wouldn't you rather give the bird and all its accessories to somebody who truly will love and care for it? I am sure I just stirred up a hornets' nest with my comments but that's just how I feel.
I think tho that giving it away would open the door to just about anyone deciding, on a whim, that they want this free thing... and that is how they would view it - a thing. I am facing the tough decision now to the future of my girls. I am torn either way but when they increase my rent by $90 a week, and I am on disability - every cent helps. I think that when it comes to cats that there are just so many that they are given away. I've never seen dogs just given away and they cost like $4000 to by now ( a puppy). I have no need for all the toy making things I have bought my girls nor the complex they have to play and live in so I would probably ask for just a little bit more money to include all of that in the sale... if I sell. Everyone's situation is different and we need to keep that in mind.

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