Raven is getting confused with words

Yes! Lately Jasper has been saying "birdie-bop" and I'm not really sure where that came from.

Merlin knows how to say "be a good boy" and also "peek-a-boo," but many times he will combine the two and say "peek-a-boy." It even sounds like "be-good-boy," but not. lol
Seriously to get Buddy to talk, he has to be jealous, lol.c he also uses "Birdy Shorthand", lollllll!! Raven is holding out, lol!!!

That's funny that Buddy doesn't talk unless he's jealous! When Raven is jealous he says his name. If you don't respond right away he says it louder lol!
The baby RB2 I am holiday mom to now whispers back to my hubby. It started as he was a bit loud so hubby goes over and whispers his fav phrase "do you want a tickle?" and now he only ever whispers it to him. LOL
The baby RB2 I am holiday mom to now whispers back to my hubby. It started as he was a bit loud so hubby goes over and whispers his fav phrase "do you want a tickle?" and now he only ever whispers it to him. LOL

I have to say, that's pretty funny. They're so smart. I'm getting some good laughs out of this thread! I love how funny our fids can be!
Such a fun thread - I don't feel too bad reviving it!

Cairo has picked up my kisses to him (one of the rare things he learned from me instead of my partner). I always lean in with "mmmmmm-", then boop his beak with a "-wah". So he started going "mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm-wah!" Then suddenly I hear his favourite word being merged into "Helloooooooommmmmm-wah!"

He tries so hard to put "hello" into everything. Like "peek-a-boo" becomes "he-e-llo!" when he feels like it. He'll still do a proper "peek-a-boo", but somedays everything is "hello". The only things that don't become "hello" are words he firmly believes the context of.

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