Rate your companion Bird bite!

Worst bite was from Muscovy ducks as a kid. We used to have this horrible male that would chase you around the pen and he would grab the skin on the skin of your thigh and TWIST. Urgh >< That happened between the years of 6-8, I'm in my 20's now, and I STILL remember it!
My worst was from Salsa on June 17. Not because it hurt the worst of any bite received, but because it resulted in the slight nerve damage.
I have to admit I am more afraid of the smaller beaks than the bigger ones. Though I know a Macaw and a Too can do a lot of damage if they do get you good.. but those little small ones are fast devils!

Lol I tho I was the only one like that. But Roscoe draw some blood.
I've been bitten by a lot of things!

My rating is based on pain and amount of blood/superficial damage :p 10 being the most ouchy

Budgies 9/10 - they always get you between the fingers or in some delicate place and they slice and cling and don't let go. The worst part is they are so delicate that you try not to hurt them as you pry them off your bleeding flesh... and the second you remove them they have sunk their razor sharp beaks into a new part of your flesh :/ I am more fearful of a budgie bite than a cockatoo bite. On top of less pain, cockatoos are also easier to remove.

Cockatiels 8/10 - nippy little things, but slice less often than budgies. They bite more often though, cockatiels are such temperamental little things.

Lovebirds 7/10 - they "bite" more often but squeeze rather than slice and so while you end up bruised there is less often blood.

Green Cheeks 7/10 - up until recently I would have put them lower than this (probably at a 4/10) but my new girl, Colada, changed my mind. When she bites she is as bad as a budgie, she hangs on and slices!! I have regular war wounds from loving my little skittle turkey. I have birdy love bites all over my neck and hands!

Galah 3/10 - Even when Larry meant to bite hard he wasn't even as bad as a lovebird... galah beaks are almost soft but there is still a bit of power behind it. He never broke my skin but did bruise me pretty badly once. I have picked up many wild galahs and once again, even their bite was pretty weak.

Sulfur Crested 7/10 - These guys have always seemed kinda unpredictable and when they want to hurt they can. I was bitten as a child so its not a very fair comparison, it probably hurt more then than it would now :p

Nanday Conure 9/10 - OUCH! Power and slicing coupled with a cheeky challenging attitude and I came away with a few bloody fingers :(

Rainbow / Red collared lorikeet 6/10 - these guys are very beaky but give you fair warning when they arent in the mood for play. They have a beak shape that stabs rather than slicing or squeezing.

Birds I have owned/handreared/bird sat who have not bitten me even once...
Sun conure
Eclectus female

Non-parrot bird ratings...

Magpie1/10 - these guys have nothing on a parrot LOL
Noisey Miner 1/10 - again, squishy little beaks
Currawong 2/10 - a more powerful beak but still no parrot
Kookaburra 3/10 - we had one who frequently visited for feeds... and while they dont mean to hurt, they can have terrible aim and get you in the process of taking food from you. This is a much more powerful beak and bit hurt a little bit.
Goose 3/10 - LOL!

Other critters...

Eastern Bearded Dragon... 9/10 OUCH! :/
Carpet Python 3/10 - little needle teeth do nothing
Central bearded dragon 6/10 - so much less painful than the big fierce eastern!
Water dragon 7/10
Rat 6/10
Mouse 4/10
Dog 6/10
Cat 8/10 - infections are not nice

Monitor lizard... I haven't been bitten by one but I give them a 10/10 rating and never want to experience it :P
I've worked with animals of all types for 20 years---I evaluate "troubled" dogs, work in pit bull and Siberian husky rescue, keep a number of snakes......the the WORST bite I've ever gotten was from my female Vos Eclectus. It was about a dozen years ago and I still have a beak-shaped scar on my arm. I could not get her off of me. I had time to actually think through and try all of the things you are supposed to do when a bird latches on, and I simply could not get her to let go. It was horrible.
Let's see...

I could go with the attack bite my sennie gave when she dive-bombed the book in my hand but...

Goose. Definitely goose. When I was 3 I had popcorn in Vancouver park (whatever it's called) and the geese swarmed and attacked, flapping their wings and trying to bite my hands. Mom was screaming "DROP THE POPCORN!!!" but I refused and they had to pull me out of them. It was my popcorn damn it! It took me almost 20 years to quell my hatred for geese, even though none of the bites actually hurt! :09:
I only have one companion bird now (sun conure), and for the first time she bit me just right and it drew blood, right near the cuticle of my right index finger. Still a bit of scarring...

I've been bit by an Amazon, an ibis, and one other bird I didn't know what it was, but the WORST bite ever? A HORSE! One bit my thumb right between those mini-bricks they have for teeth, and I swore it was going to rip it off. Luckily it let go and I haven't been able to really get close to a horse ever since... But man, that hurt SO bad. Surprisingly, I didn't even make a sound, because I was so embarrassed (it was at a local apple orchard, and there were people everywhere), but my brain was screaming, "HOLY SH!T, HOLY SH!T I'M GOING TO LOSE MY THUMB RIGHT HERE, AND I'LL NEVER PLAY PIANO AGAIN!"

Stay away from those horse teeth! Haha. Give me a beak anyday!
At the age of 1 my Neleno had to have his wings clipped. I was clipping his first wing and he took it like a champ. When it came time to change hands and as I pulled his other wing out to clip, I was not thinking and released my thumb from under his beak. Neleno grabbed onto my right ring finger and with all of his might, he bit me, his point of the beak went into my finger and came out the other side. I thought at first that he took off my finger. I pressed my finger into his mouth towards the back of his throat and he let go. I remembered never to pull away but press towards the Macaw to get them to let go. This worked and blood was everywhere. I quickly wrapped my finger and went to the ER. I had to get 6 stitches and the Police arrived due to an animal bite to file a report. I had explained that this was not the fault of my Macaw but was all mine. I did not know that in the State of Maryland any bite from an Animal must be reported. So lesson learned.
When I got home from the ER, I could tell that Neleno was so sorry and knew he had hurt me.
I went over to his cage as he pressed and lowered his head as if to say how very sorry he was. He was already forgiven in my eyes and have never had an issue with him having his wings clipped. Now I do not even have to restrain him. So I would rate this bite as a 10. Best of luck to all Joe
Scarlet dosent bit too hard, its more like a pinch with alot of pressure. She has only made me bleed twice and it was very little but when she bit my wife, she made her bleed alot. Im a Marine Electrician (wire boats) so I work with my hands a ton so I have really tough hands so maybe thats why it dosent bother me. Her worst bite I would rate a 6.5/10.

Know what I hate getting bit by? Geese. My mom loved and had geese, ducks and chickens when I was growing up and it was fun and all, but those geese would get all aggressive and territorial and when they bit it REALLY hurt.

When I was volunteering at a bird store when I was about 12ish, I was always afraid of getting bit by the bigger birds because of the size of their beak. I had a cockatiel, lovebird and a parakeet at the time. I finally got bit by an Amazon and right then and there I realized that most of the time, the little guys hurt the most haha. That parakeet took off more skin than any bird I have ever been in contact with haha.
Let's see...

I could go with the attack bite my sennie gave when she dive-bombed the book in my hand but...

Goose. Definitely goose. When I was 3 I had popcorn in Vancouver park (whatever it's called) and the geese swarmed and attacked, flapping their wings and trying to bite my hands. Mom was screaming "DROP THE POPCORN!!!" but I refused and they had to pull me out of them. It was my popcorn damn it! It took me almost 20 years to quell my hatred for geese, even though none of the bites actually hurt! :09:

ROFLMAO Thanks so much for the laugh...it was much needed and even more appreciated. :D I remember way back when, my oldest son was 3 at the time and he was being chased by Canadian Geese, and he ended up being bit right in the buttocks. He never cried, but instead he gave me THE dirtiest look imaginable because you see, it was MY fault that they chased him - NOT! :11:

As for birdy bites: 3 years ago I was given a 30+ year old BREEDER (once pet) Yellow Nape Amazon. This guy was not only fearless, but he was downright VICIOUS! He instantly fell in love with my Hunter and I was his worst enemy. :( He divebombed, ran accross the house trying to find me, chewed through a dowel like it was cotton candy, and eventually succeeded and made entry into my flesh on my hand and arm. I really couldn't do all that much, other than trying to keep him from my face (that appeared to be his ultimate goal...to get to my face). On a scale from 1-10, I'd say in the terms of pain it was a 7. As for scare factor, it was an 11 :11:
I can now post on this thread (unfortunately) well im a foundry worker so my hands are tough rougher then an armadillos backside. Well Kenai got my pinky and took a chunk out as pain goes it was only a 3 maybe 4 out of 10. However the other macs that have gotten me where the same yet they ground and that was the worst part. That jumps it from a 3 to a 7.
Just after getting my scarlet from his first home, we were getting acquainted... don't show fear..lol..right.. he would get ahold of my finger and pull himself up from the floor to my arm.. we did this lots of times...

Then one day I offered him my finger and he took it as usual, then he latched onto it and wouldn't let get...I had to shake him off and let him land on the couch...I didn't have feeling in that finger for 3 months...

I've been skiddish if him ever since... I don't let him know that, and its not fear... its keeping myself in a job... without fingers I don't have a job lol. .
I was about fifteen years old the time holding a two year old mitred conure.. Bam! chunk out of my bottom lip. I got her too exicited talking and holding her against my face lol. It almost knocked me to the floor it hurt so bad. It was forceful! She just climbed onto my shoulder like nothing happened and I put her back on to her cage.

I used to get attacked by the neighbor's geese on a daily basis. They had a long steep driveway that went up a hill. On each side of the skinny driveway there was a hill with thorned berry bushes on them. When my mother and I (I was three years old at the time) got to the bottom of the driveway, the geese would appear at the top. We we got about halfway up, they started running for the attack. My mother was able to block most of the hits with her purse, but a few would get through. They were more hits than bites, but I think don't she enjoyed the nips on her hands while she held her purse up as we made a dash for their house.

Pigeons peck at you if they dont like you. It's more the persistent way they do it that can be ouchy. My first pet was a red tumbler pigeon that didn't like my mother. She was jealous and loved my father. I had to be about two years old at the time, but she would come barreling out of the sky if I called her (usually to immediately land on my mother and attack).
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Of my birds, the female lovebird bite is the one I dread the most. It's rapid fire, like being punched with a can opener, over and over, sharp and painful and always draws blood (female lovebirds are SUPER territorial about their cages; she's a sweet, tame bird away from her cage). Amazon bites are powerful and quite violent, so I dread that second worst (although my own hasn't bitten me hard, just know from experience with a friend's DYH that I don't want to hold ever again). The only other bad parrot bite I've ever received was a scarlet macaw (also a friend's bird) and it was so hard that it bruised the bone, left a hematoma, and the lump didn't go away for months. My RB cockatoo and the Grey haven't bitten me hard enough ever to make me remember it, maybe a nip here and there but not a true bite.
Sprite's isn't HORRIBLE, but he loves biting toes and that can HURT! He usually only bites me when my brother is home..what happens is that he hates my brother so he goes to bite him but I scoop him up right before he can then he gets confused and just bites me haha

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