Question of the Day Thread?


Well-known member
May 16, 2022
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Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
Charlie (M) - 24 yrs - Peach Front Conure
Redshift (M)-23yrs - normal Cockatiel
Vortex (F) - Hatched March 15 2024
I went looking for a 'Question of the Day' thread and couldn't find one. There's one on the cat forum I'm in and people's responses are interesting. Posters learn a lot about each other! Perhaps we could have a seperate thread for it? or Pin a thread in Games? Topics don't have to be bird related. :)
It'll be Christmas Day, so we're going out for Chinese!
What else?
The good chinese places near me arent open. Only the crappy ones are.
I think it’s a reference to the movie “A Christmas Story “.

We are having lasagna and my special garlic bread.
But we do have leftover ham too.
we had some oriental appetizers, german baking in honor of my oma, and other good stuff. It was a wonderful family get together :D.
Currently making orange cranberry glazed Cornish hens (a bit of hot pepper in glaze), wild rice and quinoa blend so it'll be ready at midnight. Then dishes will be done, kitchen clean with leftovers for rest of day.
I think it’s a reference to the movie “A Christmas Story “.

We are having lasagna and my special garlic bread.
But we do have leftover ham too.
Lol. I forgot about that movie. I was serious about the chinese because this is the first year I’ve noticed so many places advertising that theyll be open on Christmas Day.
New Question for Dec 25th, 2024! What were some of your favorite things this Christmas? Were they gifts or people you hung out with?
I think it’s a reference to the movie “A Christmas Story “.

We are having lasagna and my special garlic bread.
But we do have leftover ham too.
Tex knows me too well. Spooky.
But, hey, Wes, we also really DID go Chinese for Christmas. Tradition, by now.
In honor of all our birds, I ate seafood for the holidays. My budgies might be traumatized by the sight of a giant, naked, headless budgie going into the oven.
Sadly my CAG isn't so picky. He was chowing down on a smoked turkey leg. My dad remarked "didn't it know that's his cousin he's eating?" My CAG as unpredictable as usual started calling chicken, turkey etc cousin! If he got a piece of cousin you'd get kisses blowing your way.
My budgies (want to, try to) eat anything we are eating including chicken, tuna, bologna, hamburgers, soup etc. We have to put them in their cages if we don't want budgies walking on our plates stealing our food! Soup is a problem because first they want to eat it then they want to bathe in it!
My budgies (want to, try to) eat anything we are eating including chicken, tuna, bologna, hamburgers, soup etc. We have to put them in their cages if we don't want budgies walking on our plates stealing our food! Soup is a problem because first they want to eat it then they want to bathe in it!
That's bird behavior. So you can do what I do. Eat only bird safe foods in their presence to share. Sneak to eat people food out of their sight. Or put them in their cages. I don't remember where I read this. It's a normal part of flock behavior. A few members eat in the field. Apparently if they don't die it's safe for others including different species. FYI; This is a good way to introduce healthy foods, chop and greens.
That's bird behavior. So you can do what I do. Eat only bird safe foods in their presence to share. Sneak to eat people food out of their sight. Or put them in their cages. I don't remember where I read this. It's a normal part of flock behavior. A few members eat in the field. Apparently if they don't die it's safe for others including different species. FYI; This is a good way to introduce healthy foods, chop and greens.
We don't let them steal more than a bite or two of most people food like meat and only give them the bird safe stuff. Of course, they aggressively try to steal bites of everything. We find best is to just put the biggest offenders (the food scouts?) in their cages so we can enjoy a meal in peace.

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