Question about Quaker poops


May 6, 2012
Melbourne, Australia
Birdy the Green Cheek Conure
Hey everyone!

I've recently gotten a Quaker for the first time, and I've noticed that he poops while he's sleeping throughout the night. There ends up being a pile of little poops below his bum when he wakes up.
Is this a normal thing for Quakers?

I'm used to conures, who hold their poop throughout the night and do a big one first thing in the morning. My Quaker isn't doing it like this at all, and I'm wondering if that's a normal thing?

Thanks for any information!
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No idea about Quakers except they are adorable. My budgie leaves a little pile and I hear an occasional poo bomb landing in the wee hours. No big morning explosions. I can always tell where he spent the night.
Hey everyone!

I've recently gotten a Quaker for the first time, and I've noticed that he poops while he's sleeping throughout the night. There ends up being a pile of little poops below his bum when he wakes up.
Is this a normal thing for Quakers?

I'm used to conures, who hold their poop throughout the night and do a big one first thing in the morning. My Quaker isn't doing it like this at all, and I'm wondering if that's a normal thing?

Thanks for any information!
I dont know about quakers but thats the way it is with cockatiels.They poop throughout the night.I dont know why it would be any different with a quaker. I have conures also. They hold it like you said. The holding seems to be the odd thing.
Inspecting the cage paper is one way to tell if your bird got a good night sleep. At least with budgies, once they go to sleep they seldom move around the cage at night. My budgies that share a cage bicker amongst themselves about who gets to sleep where but once they settle down they rarely move. If there's nice pile of poop in one place I know they slept well and weren't restless.
If your Quaker poops all night long in one place, that normal for him. It would seem to be more comfortable to poop as needed rather than save it up all night and make one big one in the morning, but who knows? The birds aren't exactly telling us!
Thanks to everyone for the answers!

Judging by what everyone is saying, I think it should be nothing to worry about. I'm simply too used to typical conure behavior haha!
Either "pooping as needed" or holding it overnight is pretty much an individual thing. My QP Ralph pooped whenever it was necessary. Of the three parrots I've had, only Scooter the CAG would hold it all night.
It's amazing how much poop a female budgie can hold in when she's sitting on eggs! Budgies tend to poop a few times an hour but when my then-breeding female Tilly was nesting she would only come out of the box to quickly poop a few times a day in the exact same spot and those poops were massive! Like big parrot sized!
It's amazing how much poop a female budgie can hold in when she's sitting on eggs! Budgies tend to poop a few times an hour but when my then-breeding female Tilly was nesting she would only come out of the box to quickly poop a few times a day in the exact same spot and those poops were massive! Like big parrot sized!
Same goes with cockatiels.

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