Just got back from a nice visit with Mark at the vet's.
She seems more old than sick to me, but I'll talk to the vet this afternoon about what's next.
She's eating and pooping ok. She sneezed a couple times while I was there, but dry sneezes. She would cuddle up, fluff her feathers, and snooze for a bit, then wake back up and groom herself or me for a minute, and go back to snoozing. She would occasionally let her wings droop and open her beak slightly to breathe, but not really labored panting, and not for more than a couple breaths.
I think that unless the vet has some overriding reason to keep her there longer, I will bring her home tonight to spend her last days at home.
I had such a rough night, envisioning Mark alone and gasping for air at the vet's office, and I feel much better after my visit. I'm going to make sure my hospital cage is ready and preheated to match the incubator at the vet's, and go from there.