Post A Pic Of Your Macaw

Here is Sunny canoeing on Caddo Lake. She happened when I had my heart set on an African Grey for Christmas. I was browsing Craigslist and up popped Sunny. She is a long way from a grey. LOL.


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Some of these you may have seen in previous posts. I thought they might go well here, though.









Here is Sunny canoeing on Caddo Lake. She happened when I had my heart set on an African Grey for Christmas. I was browsing Craigslist and up popped Sunny. She is a long way from a grey. LOL.
HAHA, a canoeing Macaw :D That's really cute! Go Sunny!!!
Plax, Sunny is always up for an adventure. We go canoeing to see the water birds. I think she thinks there is something wrong with birds that go wading. She likes meeting the early morning fishermen though. Makes their day. Your birds are beautiful. How lucky you are to have such great personalities. I love hearing about them.
Can my hahns come on this thread too? :)
Here's little bandit, the compact version of all your giants! - but still very much a macaw ;) :P


playing on the coffeetable:
Can my hahns come on this thread too? :)
Here's little bandit, the compact version of all your giants! - but still very much a macaw ;) :P
Awww, what a face! Sure...he/she qualifies :)
Plax, Sunny is always up for an adventure. We go canoeing to see the water birds. I think she thinks there is something wrong with birds that go wading. She likes meeting the early morning fishermen though. Makes their day.
I'd say your Sunny has quite a full life! That's a very cool thing :)

Your birds are beautiful. How lucky you are to have such great personalities. I love hearing about them.
Thanks kindly :)
Awesome pics so far... Post cam out pretty good. plex your bird are great... everyone birds look really good so far...
Cracked up when seeing Sunny in the canoe. :D That's just awesome!!

And what a face on little Bandit! Just want to smooch him.
yea i know i be kinda scared if he went over board
granted i know hes not physically here with me but hes at home in my hart and always on my i hope these qualify

this is Kenai

he was waiting to ambush me in this pic.
in a good way of course
LOL, of course yours qualifies. I love all of your pics. Wish I had a macaw instead I have 2 chubby feathered butt budgies.
My first macaw is named "Doogie". He first was owned by my family doctor and was named after a TV show; Doogie Howser MD. Doc and I sing together in church choir and after church one Sunday we went out for dinner. Doc's wife Carla asked us "You don't kniow anybody that would want a BIRD do you?" Knowing that doc would not have anything third rate, I spoke up and said "I'll take him" I figured it was a parrakeet or something. You can imagine my shock when I found out it was a Catalina Hybrid Macaw. Doogie was 4 when I got him and is 19 now, but this was a the beginning of a lasting relationship of me and macaws. I now have three.
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When I was at Jacksonville Beach with my first macaw Doogie, a girl approached me and asked if I would be interested in a free macaw. This is Kayko. He was first owned by a lady from England and so has a very distinct British accent. He says "Hell-owe" and "Owe-sha-tupp" The English lady died when Kayko was 13 and the woman's daughter brought Kayko from Athens, Georgia to Jacksonville. She really didn't want him and was far more interested in riding her Harley-Davidson motorcycle. She gave him to me when he was 20, now he is 30. Kayko is unique in that he would not bite anyone and is totally safe to put on the arm of a 2 year old.
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I had had Kayko about 6 months when I went into the Avenues Pet Shop in Jacksonville in September. There I was shocked to see a Scarlet Macaw in the pet store actually for sale. They wanted a heart stopping $2,700 for him. I stopped in to see him every week. This is Clifford. September, October, November and December passed and Clifford did not sell for Christmas. On January 6th 2004 I went into the pet shop and they said "We are prepared to make you a special offer on Clifford" and they sold him to me for $1,800. Clifford was about 7 months old then. He is 9 now
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u have good looking birds my friend....i love ur scarlet macaw..if u didnt know i have one also... lol
Presenting Valentino

I met my first RFM in 1997. It was at a bird breeders house meet and greet and his pet RFM endeared me to him. I never met such a friendly goofy bird. When he demanded a kiss I was sort of afraid to kiss him because of that "huge black beak". The RFM leaned over so far I thought he was going to fall off the table and his owner told me. "Will you just kiss him already." I leaned into the parrot's face and faster than I could pull my head away that cheeky RFM shoved his tongue between my lips. I was so shocked I could not react but everyone else thought it was hilarious. That was my first exposure to a RFM and I never forgot it. I have wanted a RFM since that meeting.

Fast forward to fall of 2011. Diego my Illiger's macaw died from a stroke on June 8th. He was 9 years old and was going to be 10 that next May. I took his death so hard I had to go in for counseling for a while to work though my loss. My housemate and best friend forever Lupe told me the story about how she caught a wild parrot for her Grandmother when she was a child living in Juarez. She told me stories about the parrot and while we were looking at pictures of parrots she recognized the RFM as the parrot she and her brother caught for her Grandmother. Apparently in Juarez parrot venders would come up from the south to sell their probably ill gotten birds from Mexico and South America. It is believed that the RFM Lupe caught was an escapee from the parrot venders.

I was in shock because never in a million years did I think she would know about RFM's. It has been so long since I even entertained the idea of searching out a RFM to have that I basically thought I would never have the opportunity because of how rare and expensive they are.

Lupe, bless her heart nudged me in the direction of entertaining the idea of adding a RFM. After all Mihijo was now the only parrot and I always like to at least have two parrots because parrots live in flocks. It took a few months to find the right breeder. It took us over a year to pay off the price but it was totally worth it. Valentino will be coming from Wendy Craig.

So here we go ... presenting Valentino


sorry for your losses.. but i bet you will have fun with ur new guy when u get him
thanks everyone for sharing its been cool seeing everyone's pics

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