Positive thoughts. I'm freaking out.

That will be soon enough, Beatrice! Will be thinking of you and Leo and hope all goes very well.
We are all pulling for you!

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best of luck today. please keep us all posted.
Official diagnosis: distended crop.

Unofficial diagnosis: Leo is a pig.

He's eating too fast. I did notice in the last few weeks he's eating his meals in practically no time flat. Vet said to give him smaller meals more frequently and make him work for it more.
Leo is a pig!


OMG Beatrice, how did I not see this post. After all the support from when Salty hurt himself, I am sorry. Leo had you worried, but if thats the diagnosis, thats not bad. Little piggy huh? Reminds of another parrot... whose name begins with S. I am very glad that he will be ok, with some food management.

Now that I'm back to my computer...

Basically what he said is that it looks like he probably got bored with his same food day in and day out and started eating it too fast. Combine that with my youngest kid being helpful and feeding the birds some mornings (and over feeding them, probably), he ate too much too fast, which distended his crop and it probably got a little inflamed, which caused him not to feel so hot, which explains everything else. Everything else looks perfect. His weight is at the top of the acceptable range, which is the only other thing we need to watch, but his temperature, heart rate, respirations, feathers, and general disposition are great. I'm to do some food management, and watch him for a couple weeks. If any alarming symptoms like discolored poop, lethargy beyond what we've already seen, etc show up, I take him back immediately. If no improvement at all, we'll take him back for a more comprehensive blood work/poop analysis. If improvement, then we go back for his regular annual exam for his year 10 work up as scheduled in August. If we take him back in two weeks, we'll just call that his ten year check up and not bring him in with everybody else in August.
Very relieved for you, both, all.
So happy Leo has nothing more than a piggish disposition! What a stunning turn of events from any number of distressing diagnoses.

Leo can now celebrate... with something other than food!! :D
I am so relieved to come home to some good news tonight <3 thank you.
That's good news [emoji3]

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I just caught this thread.. my 2 pois were concerned for Leo ;). I'm relieved to hear that his distended crop was not a result of a medical problem! I know what that feels like being sick with worry, and it's awful. Good luck with managing his diet. :)
My best wishes as well. I have a sick lil birdie too Im trying to keep alive. That li ball of feathers brought so much love into my home its hard to think of losing him.
Meds twice a day.. lots of love and doing what I can for his nutrition is all I can do. I know how attached one can be to a critter. Xing fingers your vet is as good as mine!! Best of luck..........and keep me posted
I haven't been on in a few days and I just read through this. I'm so glad he's OK, and I'm glad that you can relax a bit. I've been through both situations, the sick bird and quitting smoking, though never at the same time, but I can imagine how awful that must have been.

I thank you for showing us this issue and bringing it to our attention, I've never heard of this happening, only crop infections, stasis, and burns with holes and other common problems, it never occurred to be that a crop could distend and become inflamed, so it's good for all of us to be aware of this issue arising. The Senegals are a special little group of birds, I've had my baby only since November and I just love him so much, he's such a different personality than my other guys!

Positive energy your way and Leo's way for a quick recovery, and good luck with quitting smoking, I've been through it twice and it was the hardest thing I've ever had to do, willpower wise anyway. It's so worth it though, between the money you'll save and all of the improvements in your health that you'll see pretty immediately, like food tasting better, breathing better, running and generally exercising more easily, just generally feeling better all the way around. Just keep telling yourself how much better off you'll be and you can do it, no problem! You got this! Doing it the way you're doing it is the way I did it the second time, I slowly reduced the amount I smoked until I got used to not getting up after eating to walk outside, that was the hardest. But the very first time I tried cold turkey and it lasted 2 days, I couldn't work or concentrate on anything so that ended quickly. The first time I actually quit long-term I used nicorette gum and actually got addicted to the gum, which happens a lot. I know multiple people addicted to the gum and one to the patch, so it's better to not use a replacement anyway, just stick to what you're doing!

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