Please welcome the new family member!

LOVED the photos!! Thank you so much!!! Gorgeous boy, he really is!! :smile015: He seems quite fond of you already - and vice versa, LOL. :D
Thanks for sharing those pics! Floofy is a good looking ekkie! And he does indeed seem to have taken to you already. How's he doing with your chop so far?
He likes the chop, eats all the stuff I put in it, willing to try new things too, I'm pretty happy about that. Today I'm gonna work on getting him into the cage so he can eat by himself.
I got his body just about into the cage and he just tensed up so I took him out again, I'll try with different objects taken out today and some treats as well.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated, I'm not comfortable having him in my room when I sleep or am at school in case he hurts himself, especially not being able to fly.
I'd say just put the food in his cage and then put him in when he's feeling good and hungry. You want him to view the cage as a good place to be. If he gets used to only being out and on you, he'll take it badly when you go to school and he has to remain in the cage.

Mine are at the point where they don't question having to go into the cage. When it's time to go in, they do so. But that has to be worked on. And they have to view their cage as their home rather than their gulag. You know?

But a gulag is just what it will be to him if he gets used to never being in there and then suddenly has to spend hours in there waiting for you. Especially since he won't have learned to self-entertain.

If he's just tensing up as you're putting him in, that doesn't mean you have to stop. It's a new cage. Unfamiliar. He's going to be cautious. That's in their nature.

If he starts to panic, however, you should switch tactics. Perhaps place him on his cage while the food is inside and let him be the one to decide to go in. That should help with his comfort level.
He got a little further in today, I removed a ring I had in there, maybe that helped or it was just coincidence, next time he's brave enough to get on me I'll try again :)
He was actually exploring a little earlier on his own, ate on top of his cage by himself too while I went to the store as well. I'll keep working with him though for sure!
Floofy is an awesome bird! Sounds like you already have a new best friend!!
Wow...great photos, and what an incredibly beautiful bird Floofy is!

I am so happy for both of you!
Thanks guys!
He's doing pretty good! He's finishing off his breakfast by himself now, on top of the cage, I'll try dinner inside the cage! :)

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