Please welcome the new family member!

I'll upload some pics in a minute, right now he's on my shoulder fiddling with my necklace so I don't wanna spook him and cause an accident...
Once I'm more bonded with him I need to teach him not to play with my necklace.
Oh now he moved onto the shirt, that's no biggie then. I think he smeared carrot in my hair...
Good luck teaching him not to play with your necklace! Hahahahahaha! 😂

And as for that "harmless" shirt chewing, just a warning... you could wind up with several holes in less time than it takes to tell. Yep, I learned that the hard way. Currently working on training them not to bite shirts.

Definitely a work in progress. Sigh...
Good point ... I'd rather have holes in my shirt than my ear though
Hahahahahaha! 😂 Given such a paucity of choices, I reckon I'd opt for the shirt as well! Hahaha!

Mine like to gently nibble on my ears. Not at all uncomfortable, but I don't allow it in any case. Also a work in progress, but one that has achieved a greater level of success. (Though Jolly has gotten the message loud and clear, he actually uses my dislike of the ear nibbling as a form of communication. Basically, if there's something he wants me to do that I haven't done yet, he'll nibble my ear until I do. Sigh.)
LOL clever bird!
Yeah idk I think he's just exploring and trying things out, he doesn't bite really hard, he probably would if I didn't stop him though, but he'll learn I'm sure :)
He does sleep a lot though, is that normal? It's our first day together so that might be it.
I've totally surrendered when it comes to clothing while handling birds! Older shirts become "bird shirts" and have lots of holes. Buttons have a very short life, and I am careful to make sure they are not swallowed once picked loose! Bird droppings wash out just fine, usually without a trace!
He does sleep a lot though, is that normal? It's our first day together so that might be it.

It might be, given a change of homes. Wouldn't hurt to take him to a vet when you are able for a well-check to be sure!
I should probably set a couple shirts aside and make them bird shirts too...

Yeah poop is pretty easy to get out, luckily!
Uh oh... Sorry, I'll upload them to the computer now and upload when I get back from the store :) I'll have Melissa remind me so I don't forget lol
Congratulations! He's a stunner--I'm so happy for you both! Whoo-hoo!

wE bETtUr C sUmm pICHErs sOoN! wE r geTtinG pReTtY iMpaTiENt oVeR hEre!!!!

eLiZa ANd hEnRy
Uh oh... Sorry, I'll upload them to the computer now and upload when I get back from the store :) I'll have Melissa remind me so I don't forget lol you've got Wendy reminding you, too. :54: Are you back from the store yet? :21:
I'm sorry for the delay guys, they're uploading to my gallery now so I'll post them here as soon as it's done.
I ate after I came home then I had to feed Floofy too, he still hasn't actually gone inside his cage yet, so I've had to feed him all day and give water to him... He's been eating banana for desert, from my face too lol.
Here are 3 pictures for you guys!




He much prefers the curtain rod and sisal rope... I don't think he knows how to get down. He can't exactly fly, the previous owners clipped his wings. The entire length of the wings... Pretty far down too.
He's on my shoulder now, grinding his beak about to go sleep :)
Floofy is such a handsome young man :D! Sounds like he's getting adjusted and comfortable with you right away too! Looks like you found your dream bird :).
He's beautiful! If only I could get him to go into his cage by himself, he's on my shoulder now so I'll try to put him in there when it's bed time.
He tried to climb my head but couldn't grip the back of my head so started nibbling on my ears instead lol I think I've got another mischief bird on my hands ...
Floofy sounds amazing, can't wait to hear all about your adventures!! Keep the pics/vids coming ;)

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