Please help!!! Orphan baby swallow

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New member
Oct 24, 2009
Southern Africa
RIP Hugo (African Brown Headed Parrot) 2 years old, lil Rosie May (Lovebird)
Please please can someone advise me on a baby swallow. It was brought to me this afternoon. Im assuming its a swallow as it was found by the nest. It has feathers and I have fed it ants and flies. I have made it as warm as possible and its sleeping at the moment.

Any advise and encouragement would be awesome! Im hoping it will make it through the night. If it does I will take it to school with me - my kids will love catching bugs for it :)
Is the nest accessible? A couple years ago there was a baby robin that fell out of its nest in my backyard. The nest was in a bush so I was able to reach in there to put the baby back in. Most people say that the mother will abandon the baby if she smells human scent on it but this mother went right back to feeding it as soon as I put it back in.

If that does not work for the baby swallow then I suggest calling a local animal sanctuary if there is one near you. In the mean time just make sure to keep the baby in a nice warm place. Try making a nest out of a box lined with a towel. It is a good sign that it is accepting food from you. I'm sorry I can't be of more help. I don't know much about raising baby birds. I wish you and the bird the best of luck and please keep us updated!
cat food works well for baby birds, i rescued one a few years ago it really got to know me he was kept in the kitchen and when he seen me come in he'd sit up and open his mouth for a feed. Drop in small amounts of the food with tweezers. You might want to check him over for puncture marks incase a cat got him as he would need an anit-biotic injection but assuming he just fell from the nest he should be fine good luck!
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Thanks so much for both your advise :) I think that the nest was partially damaged and that is why the lil one fell out. I will go ask my neighbour for some cat food - good idea. Should I leave it to sleep now? I have the lil one in an egg warmer - knitted and wrapped in a box with a towel over one side?

I has eaten from me but I had to open its mouth a push the food down. The lil one then swallowed. I just check on lil one - hate saying it! and he moved and looks more perkier - if he is a girl sorry - lol.

Off to me nieghbour - its just pas 6pm - should I feed tomorrow and leave lil one to sleep?
ahhh Jess, bless you for helping!

I am paying attention to the advice you get in this thread - just in case!

I wish I could help you but I have only ever been brought adult wild birds in need.
it'l need fed regularly mine would tell me when he was hungry, he'd hear me in the kitchen and start chirping lol im sure by tomorrow he'l have come round a bit and be more used to his surroundings. try feeding every hr or 2 as the mother bird would be out most of the day flying back and forward with food.
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Good news guys and gals - ANT is eating the cat food and is tucked nice and warm - put him to bed so am holding thumbs that he pulls through. He was quiet fiesty when I was feeding him and is showing more strength :) We can only be positive and hope and pray. I have checked him over and he is bite free and is not breathing as hard - am very positive :) Rosie is not happy though - lol. She was shouting the odds because I wasnt giving her the attention - hahaha!
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My kids are going to be so so excited as Im forever telling them to stop bringing bugs into my classroom - this will be a bug domain from now on. I keep thinking how amazing swallows are and how far they travel to migrate :)
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I was busy cooking and doing the chores and had put Rosie and lil ANT to bed. The next minute I heard alot of shouting from the "baby room" and popped my head to take a look. All I could see was a very hungry mouth demanding food now!!!! hahahaha. The cat food is a hit and lil ANT is back to sleeping on a full tummy. I never knew a bird that small could eat so much!!!! ;) I didnt have to force feed at all and I have found that using a small hair grip is very handy as you use the rounded end as a beak to feed him and its small enough to get into his mouth - not that getting the food in is a problem :)
Oh Jess the things you get caught up in, sorry but I am still laughing, in an egg warmer... that was a great idea.
Members gave you great advise, nothing further I need to add.
Don't you get expelled okay
Wish I could see the kids faces, when they see "Ant"
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Lol - I think I may be opening up a can of worms - hahaha, scuse the pun!!!! wahahahaha!!! My kids might not do any work - oh boy!!! Will see how lil ANT sleeps :)
thats great didnt think it'd take him long to find a voice :D looking forward til tomorrows update
Jess do you have any wildlife rehabilitators in SA like we do here? They would know best how to care for the little one until it is old enough to go back to the wild.
Catch some flying insects and crush'em to feed to the babies. I raised a baby robin on handfeeding formula, worms, crickets, and mulberries. Good luck!
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Ok, lil ANT is alive and kicking. Boy he is a hungry boy!!! He sometimes cries but is not hungry. Shame, he must miss his family :(

The closest animal sanctuary is over an hour away. I phoned my fav pet shop and Qwentin said that what I was doing is ok and that the lil one will grow quickly. Its raining here so will go bug hunting as best I can. Hope the cat food will be enough to keep his tummy full.

Will also phone the sanctuary today and ask them what the process is in getting the lil one "out of the nest" and back to his kind. Any advise on that would be great :)
Ahem... where's the pictures?
Glad the little one is doing well so far. Maybe get an old tank with a heat pad underneath? Some shavings? Or a heat lamp? Try to find a wildlife carer, swallows feed on the wing so it is going to be hard for you to release him, and it would be cruel to keep him locked up.
Keeping an eye on this thread!
I'm glad to hear he's still doing all right....Giving wild life rehabilitation a call is a good choice, but sometimes there's only so much they can do, they run short hand most of the time. When I had to care for the baby Robin I called them and they told me that they were pretty full and have no one that can care for the baby robin. So I told them I would do it and I did. The release day came about and I was VERY sad that night cause we had a horrible storm with trees and power lines being struck down. I still wonder til this day if he made it through....
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