Playtime encouragement.

Does showing them how to play work with older birds? I have a cockatiel who is about 15 yrs old and she doesn't play with her toys other then if I am sticking yummies into the straws on her pinecone thing.
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Im not to sure with older birds, but im sure if you shoe them they would :)

I tend to get them out and then mess with their toys like its my phone or something, they soon want to see what all the fuss about

We have similar issues with our recently adopted older Ekkie, Riley. It seems as though he wants to play or do something when he's out, but we haven't figured out what it is he wants.
We bought him a playpen, but he will only stay on the base playing with his foot toys and talking ball, not wanting to climb around on the structure at all.
I tried placing him on one of the perches of the playpen but he wants off right away.
I've engaged him with some foot toys while holding him, and they hold his interest for awhile, but it seems he gets anxious, and then he will try and nip my thumb or hand.

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