Playtime encouragement.


New member
Nov 11, 2012
Hey everyone, hope everyone is okay :)

Just wanted to update and ask about others play time


Me an Loki love some one on one play time but I have a few minor concerns and questions.

As soon as he comes out he, like I said to Sodakat in an earlier post, will only stay with me and play so long as Im playing too an we are physically touching. This is fine, but even with toys that he can forage with he will only play on the safe confines of my lap or in between my legs.

Its weird because hes the only pet, an has always had free play all over the apartment. Nothing unsafe or scary.

Is there anything I can do to help encourage play? Im worried his lack of stimulation is unhealthy.

He does play in his cage and is always trying to talk :)

Im constantly worried about him, its driving me crazy x
Believe it or not, some birds don't know how to play with their toys. You may have to show him by touching and playing with the toys yourself.

Just this morning I introduce some round wooden circles that sit on wooden pegs. I had to show Qbert that the wooden circles could be taken on and off. Within a minute he was investigating and I left him alone to play.
Like Grinder said, young parrots don't know what toys are for unless they have seen siblings or other flock members playing with things.....the same holds true for foods...unless they have seen other flock members eating something new, they have no idea that an item is food.....

Remember that Joshua, when you want to introduce Loki to meal worms & don't forget to make a big deal out of how good they are, oohing, ahhing, smacking your lips & sounding excited ! ! !
Chico doesn't play much. It would be nice if he did. I think more important is that they get some kind of exercise and stimulation. Chico gets this from being flighted. It took over a year to grow his flight feathers back in and he still has a few more to go. I try to take him out each day. He gets sunshine, exercise and stimulation. It is funny to see him look up in the sky when a plane passes over. He is more interested in this than a hawk or crow. He is doing great flying from my hand to a split rail fence. We are still working on re-call. He is still lacking confidence to take flight with out a nudge. When my daughter is available he will fly back and forth to our hands. But only with a little nudge.

Of course we are using a flight harness. I don't recall is Loki flighted?
What kind of toys does he have at his disposal when he is out? Foot toys are good at his age, like dice and poker chips (I loveTexas Hold'em!) because they are lightweight and have interesting texture for the tongue.

You can teach him tug of war with a small stuffed toy but that requires you to be involved and your goal right now is to give him some independence, right? But doing this for a bit might get him in the mood to rough house with his toys by himself.

Balls, especially the "mommy" ball where you record your voice and it plays back when he rolls it, are fun.

I think it's important you encourage him to sit on the table in front of you or on a stand nearby and fool with something when you are not touching him. Now, there is nothing wrong with him sitting quietly on your arm or shoulder as long as he isn't constantly trying to get your attention.

Stands require perching and young birds aren't especially coordinated so a flat surface can be more rewarding for them when they are playing with stuff.

Older Eclectus often don't play as much. Instead they prefer to mess with things they can destroy/chew/tear.

Toys made for toddlers that aren't too heavy that have parts that move are also fun, like those little sets of plastic keys or even a very small rattle. The great thing about toddler toys are they are safe! And you can pick them up for next to nothing at yard sales or second hand stores. Just boil to be sure they are clean and hand them over!

I love the look on Loki's face in that ^^ picture. He looks like a special bird.
Oliver loves his foraging toy and anything he can shred or climb on and off of. The swing I bought was not such a success. I'm thinking it's too small for him to actually get on even though it was advertised for medium birds, including the eclectus.

Sodakat, I'm curious about this ball that you can record your voice that you mentioned in a post above. Where did you find this toy? I think it would be great to get Oliver such a cool ball, especially when I have to go out of town...
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I love these suggestions. It is one of those things where he just wants to use whatever Im using so I think for his independance its good to play a little, that way I could bring him out more.

He has shredding toys, hard toys, two foraging toys, a paper destruction toy, balls and a childrens stacker toy.

Im not very good at teaching him tricks or anything I feel like hes not stimulated enough. He steps up well but not on command, Ive never had to force because he always just stepped right up :(

Il try and use more toys to entertain an maybe get the clicker out too an attempt tricks

Hope your all well

Hey everyone, hope everyone is okay :)

Just wanted to update and ask about others play time


Me an Loki love some one on one play time but I have a few minor concerns and questions.

As soon as he comes out he, like I said to Sodakat in an earlier post, will only stay with me and play so long as Im playing too an we are physically touching. This is fine, but even with toys that he can forage with he will only play on the safe confines of my lap or in between my legs.

Its weird because hes the only pet, an has always had free play all over the apartment. Nothing unsafe or scary.

Is there anything I can do to help encourage play? Im worried his lack of stimulation is unhealthy.

He does play in his cage and is always trying to talk :)

Im constantly worried about him, its driving me crazy x

OMG if I had your bird I would want to play with him allllllll day !!!!
He is so cute
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Its a big awful cycle really because when he comes out he just wants to sit with you, then after a while he starts to chew your fingers so you need him off, he wont stay off because he doesnt want to play so he ends up going back in his cage if you need to do anything, which is again worse because getting him out can only happen if you have nothing to do.

I dont like him couped up in his cage :( but I dont like being bitten because hes bored..

Aaaaa lol
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Part of this behavior is his age. If he plays well in his cage like you say, then it is okay for him to be there. If he begins pacing or making repetitive movements he does need to come out for a while if the timing is right for you.

I tend to err on the side of leaving them uncaged a lot, but I have a bird room where they can see and hear me, but not get to me, so they are forced to entertain themselves.

It gets old placing them off you but really that is the right thing to do, especially if he is human imprinted. Do you know how old he was when he was pulled for hand feeding? If his eyes were open while he was still being fed by his parents he likely knows he's a bird. Otherwise, he may indeed think he's your son and it is your job to entertain him 24/7. Kidding, kinda -- but then again, there are birds like that.
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All I know of his breeder is that he only fed seed, an I swear this is true, as soon as he saw me he jumped right off the breeder and clawed on my shirt and wouldnt move.

I think since then I attempted to spoil him, even though we have had a rough ride so far.

As soon as I go near his cage he stops and runs to the front almost begging. Just when hes out hhe doesnt do anything but sit on me. Bought so many things for him to try and he plays for like two minutes and then gets disinterested. Unless of course he has your hair, ear or finger where he will preen it all day.

Im going to find more time to take him out, maybe he will realise there is enough time for cuddles and play :)
I am having the same problem with you joshuwaa. Nalani begs for attention, and the once independent little angel, now wants to be by my side all the time. If I put her on the perch she flies right off, so now she spends much more time with me. When she's with me all she wants to do is bite my glasses, try to rip my fingernails off and literally want's to "french kiss" me all day long. She's so hyper and a ball of energy. I know it's her age and it isn't some kind of social mishap that I'm dealing with. I got a bundle of foot toys (the only wood toys she actually enjoys) it really helps wear down some of her energy. I'll have her on the desk with a few foot toys, while she's shredding them into little chips I'll work on some reading/homework. Every now and then she'll find interest in my pencil or book. All I do is start playing with her foot toys and her attention gets directed immediately to it. It seems to be more of an attention thing than interest. Since loki is so attached to you and you want him to be more independent. Try having him with you (not on you) and let him play with some foot toys, or even a piece of cardboard while you do your thing. That way the time spent with him isn't limited to perch or the cage but by your side under your supervision. He may beg for attention, but show an exaggerated amount of enthusiasm towards his toy and his attention "hopefully" will be directed towards it. It works for Nalani and may possible work for you.
It seems fun for you and Loki at first but then you get to the point where me and Echo are at and it gets a little annoying. When she gets bored with me she just takes off running, (yes running.) and gets into everything. She barely even hangs out with me now. She climbs curtains, crawls under things, finds things I didn't even know I lost, oh and harasses all the other birds every chance she has. It's easy to lose track of her and she's way to smart for her own good.
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Aww, hopefully Nalani an Loki will gain some independance, but not too much so that we loose track lol :)

I do love him being my baby, it's just difficult on days like today when I'd like him out with me, but with this essay on criminal cases I just couldn't :(

Hope everyone is well x
I feel for you Josh! Oliver is the opposite in that he is perfectly happy sitting on his playstand just staring at me while I work on the computer. He likes hands-on snuggling for a few minutes to connect and then he's good to go. It's amazing how each parrot has an individual personality. I read somewhere about wearing an old shirt and pinning toys to it...perhaps that might work for both of you. He can play and you can work and your close. A win win!!!
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Been working on positive reinforcement with his toys and also trying to trying him to do some tricks after seeing Cath and Poes amazing progress :)

He is better on the floor now we have toys that we get excited about, but he does still have good cuddles. Only problem is he gets bored and tries to bite and gets ever so nippy :(

Always a test with him haha :) oh the joys of a parrot

Hope everyone is well x
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Oh oh oh also, if anyone knows some novice training we can start doing we would love any advice and help :)!

I trying clicker training stuff he knows like step up and step down so we power the clicker the little. Maybe it will stop his nipping.

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New play stand, positive encouragement and we have come on leaps and bounds.

Ive taken extra hours at work so time with Loki out is crucial, an im workkng extra credit on my degree for a stronger CV :)

This means more toys, better cages and bigger gyms for Loki. Just wanted to fjnally post good news to you guys, everything is grand :)

Thanks x

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