

New member
Dec 19, 2024
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Conure & Cockatiel
Hello! I’m a new bird owner and I’ve recently got my first bird! A Green Cheek I named Fern, she’s 3 months old. I’ve had her for about a month now, and I’ve learned a ton, but there’s something I still don’t quite understand fully.

Whenever I ask to pet her, she kinda like, goes crazy at my fingers. Nibbling/biting at my fingers and flapping her wings a few times while making noises, although none of it looks malicious. I’m not pointing them straight at her and they’re slightly bent, and my nails are trimmed. When she doesn’t do that she’ll just move her head away or step away, and I retract my fingers from her because clearly she doesn’t want pets.

She will also kinda “freak out” in the same way in other situations. Like if I’m brushing crumbs off a surface near her (even if I go slow and gently), and while she’s walking around on the couch cushions. Sometimes she even randomly do it while sitting on my fingers, while I’m completely still. She would also bite around and rub her beak all over the finger she’s perched on as well as the rest of what she can reach, as if she’s looking for something(?).

My questions are these;

1. Is the behavior I described when I try to pet her and in those other situations playful or something else? (People have told me it’s playful, like how a dog growls when you play with it, but I’m unsure because I don’t know what playful behavior looks like)

2. I understand that she just might not like pets, but is there anything I can do or a way I can act that will make her more warm to the idea? (I reallllyyy want to pet her)

3. Is all of what I described because she’s still very young? Will she chill out and be more open to pets as she ages?

4. If it’s playful or something else, how should I approach or deal with it? Especially the “freaking out”.

Here’s a short clip of an example of her “freaking out”. Before anyone comments, I want to make it known that I understand that she just might not like the position of my hand or the fact that I’m swiping away food crumbs, and that she acts like this in other situations where these factors aren’t present.

She also flies to me and chirps for me if I walk away or out of the room, so I believe the main issue might not be a matter of comfort, unless I’m wrong.

Another thing I’d like some feedback on.

She’s gotten less cuddly. When I first met her at the bird shop and for about the first week after I took her home, she’d lean up against my neck and refuse to go anywhere else. She’d sleep on my shoulder and generally just be really cuddly.

But that stopped after the first week, of course she still enjoys being on me, but she won’t sleep on my shoulder anymore, and she’ll sit further from my neck and shoulder.

Is this for any reason? Maybe it’s because she’s young and growing up? Or getting more comfortable? I don’t know why, so if you know I’d love to hear!

I’d really appreciate some insight!!
it’s not letting me post the video clip.
We'd love to see the video :)
The forum software isn't well suited to loading videos directly into posts. Best method is to upload it to YouTube and then just copy and paste the link to it in your post. It'll come right up. An extra step, but super easy.
Hope that helps.
We'd love to see the video :)
The forum software isn't well suited to loading videos directly into posts. Best method is to upload it to YouTube and then just copy and paste the link to it in your post. It'll come right up. An extra step, but super easy.
Hope that helps.
Okay! Ill send the clip as a youtube link.
My CAG, does similar. I am supposed to play w her. She grabs fingers, pulls them (99% of time very gently). I use bird safe hand toys, forging paper tubes, chew sticks, balls, kong, birdsafe rawhide or leather and we play tug or chase. She will eventually grab one and 'run off' giving the item a good chew. You'll need to observe your birds personality to be sure.
is she stepping up?

it looks like she is waiting on an invite to step up.

I would have slid my hand under.

let her play at her pace?
My CAG, does similar. I am supposed to play w her. She grabs fingers, pulls them (99% of time very gently). I use bird safe hand toys, forging paper tubes, chew sticks, balls, kong, birdsafe rawhide or leather and we play tug or chase. She will eventually grab one and 'run off' giving the item a good chew. You'll need to observe your birds personality to be sure.
Alright, so this is probably her playing and I should invest in some good hand toys?
is she stepping up?

it looks like she is waiting on an invite to step up.

I would have slid my hand under.

let her play at her pace?
After mentioning that it looks like it to me as well, but she’ll also do this while on my finger so I’m not sure that she’s doing this from a want or need to step up.
Alright, so this is probably her playing and I should invest in some good hand toys?
Try a strip of newspaper and proceed from there. It'll be fun for both of you. Invest in a few variety of bird safe toys. Some parrots love interactive and mental stimulating toys, activities. Some love chew, forging types toys. Some love a combination. You can also use this as training; step up on hand, wrist, stick (CAG is nearly 15 oz so no fingers). Give lots of praise as well as treats.
OH, THE CUTENESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yeah, I see play and maybe a bit of leftover baby-food-begging...

I think you're on your way to a wonderful relationship. Every bird is soooooooooo different, so many quirks and eccentricities.

Stick with us.
Hello! I’m a new bird owner and I’ve recently got my first bird! A Green Cheek I named Fern, she’s 3 months old. I’ve had her for about a month now, and I’ve learned a ton, but there’s something I still don’t quite understand fully.

Whenever I ask to pet her, she kinda like, goes crazy at my fingers. Nibbling/biting at my fingers and flapping her wings a few times while making noises, although none of it looks malicious. I’m not pointing them straight at her and they’re slightly bent, and my nails are trimmed. When she doesn’t do that she’ll just move her head away or step away, and I retract my fingers from her because clearly she doesn’t want pets.

She will also kinda “freak out” in the same way in other situations. Like if I’m brushing crumbs off a surface near her (even if I go slow and gently), and while she’s walking around on the couch cushions. Sometimes she even randomly do it while sitting on my fingers, while I’m completely still. She would also bite around and rub her beak all over the finger she’s perched on as well as the rest of what she can reach, as if she’s looking for something(?).

My questions are these;

1. Is the behavior I described when I try to pet her and in those other situations playful or something else? (People have told me it’s playful, like how a dog growls when you play with it, but I’m unsure because I don’t know what playful behavior looks like)

2. I understand that she just might not like pets, but is there anything I can do or a way I can act that will make her more warm to the idea? (I reallllyyy want to pet her)

3. Is all of what I described because she’s still very young? Will she chill out and be more open to pets as she ages?

4. If it’s playful or something else, how should I approach or deal with it? Especially the “freaking out”.

Here’s a short clip of an example of her “freaking out”. Before anyone comments, I want to make it known that I understand that she just might not like the position of my hand or the fact that I’m swiping away food crumbs, and that she acts like this in other situations where these factors aren’t present.

She also flies to me and chirps for me if I walk away or out of the room, so I believe the main issue might not be a matter of comfort, unless I’m wrong.

Another thing I’d like some feedback on.

She’s gotten less cuddly. When I first met her at the bird shop and for about the first week after I took her home, she’d lean up against my neck and refuse to go anywhere else. She’d sleep on my shoulder and generally just be really cuddly.

But that stopped after the first week, of course she still enjoys being on me, but she won’t sleep on my shoulder anymore, and she’ll sit further from my neck and shoulder.

Is this for any reason? Maybe it’s because she’s young and growing up? Or getting more comfortable? I don’t know why, so if you know I’d love to hear!

I’d really appreciate some insight!!
If you got a bird determined to be able to pet it like a dog or cat you got the wrong kind of animal. Very few birds like to be "petted", especially not on their back like a dog likes. The only place most birds enjoy petting is their head and face and the correct motion is forward, against the direction the feathers lie. When they want head "scritches" they will often bow their heads in request. Cockatoos can be an exception. I had one that wanted full body massage! Believe me when I tell you that a cuddly cockatoo is a double edged sword. They can be very high maintenance.

You need to learn to read your bird's body language and respond appropriately and now is the time to start. Don't expect him to change his nature.
Don't annoy your bird by trying to touch him in a way he doesn't like. That's asking for a bite and sets up biting habits that can be very hard to break.
if your bird comes to you and perches on you, that's a big compliment and it may be the only physical contact he will want. If so, you need to accept that and stop wishing for a bird that likes something else.

Baby birds so are adorable and cuddly! I have a baby budgie on my lap right now cuddling like a puppy. But it rarely lasts and you need to accept that. They grow up and adult birds are wonderful too in their own ways. I wish you and your new green cheek the best. They are fantastic birds and I would get one if I didn't already have 19 ñ
If you got a bird determined to be able to pet it like a dog or cat you got the wrong kind of animal. Very few birds like to be "petted", especially not on their back like a dog likes. The only place most birds enjoy petting is their head and face and the correct motion is forward, against the direction the feathers lie. When they want head "scritches" they will often bow their heads in request. Cockatoos can be an exception. I had one that wanted full body massage! Believe me when I tell you that a cuddly cockatoo is a double edged sword. They can be very high maintenance.

You need to learn to read your bird's body language and respond appropriately and now is the time to start. Don't expect him to change his nature.
Don't annoy your bird by trying to touch him in a way he doesn't like. That's asking for a bite and sets up biting habits that can be very hard to break.
if your bird comes to you and perches on you, that's a big compliment and it may be the only physical contact he will want. If so, you need to accept that and stop wishing for a bird that likes something else.

Baby birds so are adorable and cuddly! I have a baby budgie on my lap right now cuddling like a puppy. But it rarely lasts and you need to accept that. They grow up and adult birds are wonderful too in their own ways. I wish you and your new green cheek the best. They are fantastic birds and I would get one if I didn't already have 19 ñ
This is so true. Too many people want cuddling kittens and playful puppies. They grow up to be cats and dogs! They've developed individual personalities based on upbringing and breed characteristics. I wish the best with your baby.
This is so true. Too many people want cuddling kittens and playful puppies. They grow up to be cats and dogs! They've developed individual personalities based on upbringing and breed characteristics. I wish the best with your baby.
But at least with cats and dogs they still want to be petted when they mature. Birds not so much.

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