Phoebus update!


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Jun 14, 2007
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Today I'm almost 100% sure I heard it because I was not the only one!:D
My mother did as well...

I gave Phoebus a good shower as I do everyday the last week(I used to do it every second day) and I heard it! He was definetely trying to say his name
and almost got it!:smile041::smile041::bunny7::bunny7::propeller

He becomes very talkative always after his/her shower, so my mother came in,I was cleaning his cage, and she said she heard him trying to say his/her name!I told her I have been hearing it for some days lately but didn't tell them anything incase it was my imagination!

As far as the plucking is concerned, he still does pluck himself but has cut down on it a lot, since he gets showers daily, combined with high protein foods and lot of love and time for training or playing with me...
There was a period it was getting more severe.Could that be that much of his stress was coming out as he was settling down and relaxing?

Isn't that great news?:04:

I plan takin him with me this weekend as well, now he knows the enviroment he is going to, is it good for him that we go to other places and he sees new things?
This time I learned my lesson well and I am going to be extra extra carefull when he is out of his cage...;)
Way to go Phoebus, that is really great news, :59: I'm so glad the plucking isn't quite as bad now. BRILLIANT.

I'm sure that he'll have a great time this weekend, and yep we learn from our mistakes. Please keep us updated.
Of course Karen!:D

She says her name in greek!We haven't got it so clearly again since Friday but she is trying a lot!

Today I went to the sea after work with some friends, when I usually get back home at 14.30.

I came back from the beach 20.30 and my parents told me she was in deep melancholy all day because I wasn't there.They kept speaking to her, trying to cheer her up, gave her treats but no response, she kept her head bended down.:(

You should see and hear her when she heard my voice!I think everybody in the city now knows we have a parrot!:D

What am I going to do with this issue?It gives a real panic!:(
I think she wants to put me in the cage with her and keep there for ever!:eek::eek: :D :D
Well, I dont know definativly with birds, but I know with cats and dogs who get separation anxiety the best way to work them through it is to leave them for short periods (minutes even) and slowly increase the time away until there are no problems. Maybe this would work?
Yeah Jess has real anxiety problems, we'd tried everything and not she's 16½ we've found the answer, I give her a bone, and say bye bye wont be long to her and all the fids and furbys and she's fine. :confused: She doesn't like it but she's doesn't panic quite so much (might just be her age now tho' can't be bothered to worry)

When I put my shoes on and pick up my bag Bucc says "Bye bye see ya" :04: Maybe try that and leave for a minute or two then come back in making a big fuss of her. Might just work.
It should work - as usual, persistence and praise. Giving them something to do when your gone (I think) is a good idea anyways. I leave my tv on and they are always good. Even though there are multiple birds, if I don't leave something going for them to be entertained with I get reports of them being rowdy and loud, which is not a problem, but they play sweetly when there is something on for them lol. They prefer either Judge Judy (no joke, Pix loves her!) or The People's Court, and sometimes, if it's on CSI lol. TV addicted birds - who'd have guessed :58: :eek:
"TV addicted birds - who'd have guessed "

Maybe I should call Jerry Springer Spaniel lol
I often do that, leave the radio or the tv on, she likes cartoons mostly I think and a series with a chimp acting, but they cannot keep her attention for so long, I always leave her toys with her and fresh fruits and vegies to chew on but they also finish at some time.

I don't know ,I'm having a hard time on this,really... :(

I don't know what to suggest. Too bad she cant talk ... if she could then you could just ask her.
Too bad she cant talk ... if she could then you could just ask her.

Or maybe she does it on purpose to make me feel guilty for leaving her...:D

I wish that in time she will be well trained and well manered so she can be able to follow me to most places... :D
Have you looked at maybe getting her a flight suit and training her with one of them? They are like bird harnesses so they can come along without finding trouble (meaning they are tethered to you so they can't fly away, but can still have their flight feathers). I was looking at them yesterday when I was buying pet food.

A quick search found me this site (simply to show what the heck I am talking about).
I was looking at them online some days ago...

But.... she has to learn step up first...:D

She puts only her right foot on my arm...the left one is stuck on the cage as if she put it in cement. She is not at all afraid of my hand now, she can play with it all day and she also lets me preen her :eek: and touch her anywhere ( I took some pics of this!):D she just doesn't feel so sure yet because of steadiness that she thinks my arm won't provide.

She'll get over it I suppose...:D
Or maybe she does it on purpose to make me feel guilty for leaving her...:D

Think thats very likely, and we always fall for it. :D
Oh yeah, no matter how many times we tell ourself WE are the flock leader, they can still get us doing just what they want. :D

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