Pete injured his foot

So far this morning he seems to be ok. Perching fine, even standing on that foot while he preens the other thigh.

I think I should still make him an appointment with the vet to be checked out. Even if it is arthritis, I need to know that, and if he needs any medications for it, I want to get him that. But, I don't think at this time it's an emergency. Hopefully he will accept his rope perch soon and use it, and I will make him at least one platform as well to use.

For that matter the arthritis in my right hip has been so bad the past month, I probably need to get my own checked out:D
Roxy I haven't read the whole thread but thought i would tell my story about a male Alex I thought hurt his leg. Usually if it only a minor sprain or a bite from another bird they heal very quickly. But this bird didn't & i noticed he was limping & he appeared to favour it. So off to the Vet. First off he thought we were dealing with cancer or maybe a bone infection. If it was cancer the leg had to be amputated. I decided on a Xray & they showed the poor bird had an infection in the centre of the bone & it was eating away at it. We settled on a course of antibiotics & just see what happens. Another xray 2 weeks later proved we were on the right track an there were signs of slight bone growth. Within 6 weeks the Alex was back up on the perch as fit as a fiddle.

Pity the Vet couldn't give you the injection my dog is having for her arthritis. Can't recall what it is but she has one every 3 months.
Missed thisc somehow earlier. I hope Pete feels better soon! If it is arthritis, I also know how much not fun that is.
Roxy I haven't read the whole thread but thought i would tell my story about a male Alex I thought hurt his leg. Usually if it only a minor sprain or a bite from another bird they heal very quickly. But this bird didn't & i noticed he was limping & he appeared to favour it. So off to the Vet. First off he thought we were dealing with cancer or maybe a bone infection. If it was cancer the leg had to be amputated. I decided on a Xray & they showed the poor bird had an infection in the centre of the bone & it was eating away at it. We settled on a course of antibiotics & just see what happens. Another xray 2 weeks later proved we were on the right track an there were signs of slight bone growth. Within 6 weeks the Alex was back up on the perch as fit as a fiddle.

Pity the Vet couldn't give you the injection my dog is having for her arthritis. Can't recall what it is but she has one every 3 months.

That's why I should have him checked. He has been his normal self all day, but I would feel better knowing it was just some mild sprain or strain and not something worse. And I'm not used to having 29 year old birds either and do not know all the things that might happen to them.

I wonder if they gave your dog a cortisone shot? I have gotten them in my knees, wrists and elbows for arthritis. I need to call either my pain management doctor or the rheumatologist and see who can do my hip as it's completely messing with my life right now. I know the rheum can, but I see the pain mgt doctor every month already. He has done my elbow, but he won't do wrists because you have to puncture the carpal ligament and he's not comfortable with that. But, hips might not be as hard as wrists. Sometimes after the shot it can hurt worse for a day or two, but then it's like magic!
Roxy , have yourself checked as well. If we dont take care of ourselves like we should , who will take care of our beloved birds ?
Get Pete in and make a appointment for yourself too !
Roxy , have yourself checked as well. If we dont take care of ourselves like we should , who will take care of our beloved birds ?
Get Pete in and make a appointment for yourself too !

I know, I've been avoiding the hip, but today has been awful! Other than taking care of the animals, I've accomplished nothing. But, I know this is probably going to mean another MRI and the last one cost me $700. Then if I need surgery, holy you know what! So I've been hoping it just settles down again. But, if a cortisone shot helps me at least for awhile, that will only cost me $100, and give me time to plan for a future surgery and what I will do as far as the animals go, ya know? I see the pain management doctor on Wednesday anyway. I have to see him every month.
I hope the cort shot helps you. I know , planning for a surgery isnt fun at all , and the worry that goes along with it , its a stressful time.
Do what is best , but do it. If I were closer Roxy , I would help with all your animals :) Maybe start interviewing people who you would trust to care for them , just in case ? Always good to be prepared .
All the best :)
It is possible as well with some cortisone shots for a year or two that it will settle down to a bearable pain level. My elbow did, and so have my wrists. I was supposed to have surgery on my right wrist and elbow 4 years ago, and have managed to avoid it.
I'm managing with my hip too. I was supposed to have it done last year , but after I had the first one , I put it off , lolol.
I need the labrum removed along with bone spurs. I'm going on 45 and i have Mri's and exrays of someone much older , lolol.
Guess that's what riding horses all my life did to me. But , I wouldnt have changed anything , maybe I wouldnt have ridden the horses that were "green broke" or not broke at all , but I had a "no fear" kinda attitude when I was younger ,lolol
Then I ended up with heart problems , runs in the family , so that was a big scare , then a breast cancer scare.....that's about it , lolol.

You just got to take care of yourself , bottom line.
Undoubtedly it's arthritis. I have chronic Lyme. I think I have the joints of an 85 year old and I'm only 43. My knees are held together by magic and a rubber band I think. The rheumatologist told me 12 years ago, "I've never seen knees this straight on someone with no cartilege!" But, then he laughed at me when I said I lift weights with my legs to keep the muscles strong, but I swear that is the only reason they haven't fallen apart. The elbow has a huge bone spur that you can actually see. And when the wrist fell apart, a bone moved. You can see that, too.

Well, at least I haven't had a true cancer scare. I'm really sorry to hear about that, luvmytoo. And as far as I know, my heart is ok...for now...until the high cholesterol does something to that, too. Only my pancreas has gone to hell, at least as far as organs I need:D I don't miss the gallbladder or the appendix! I really don't miss that gallbladder, especially since that is probably the reason my pancreas is garbage. I had a gallstone get into my pancreatic duct.

What did they do to your hip if I can ask? How long was the recovery? They told me 10 weeks on the elbow and I'm thinking a hip must be harder.
My hip wasnt a replacement , but it took between 6-8 weeks to get off crutches and put full weight on it. I woudl rather the hip replacement , you are up the next day and walking, not that that surgery is any easier. But I cant take being stuck in the house and not being able to do anything , I would rather eat glass then go have to be that way again....I just cant sit still and not do anything !!
And my dogs didnt have a clue why I wasnt up and out with them like I am everyday rain , snow or shine , lolol. Border Collies need a job and picking things up for me got real old real fast , lolol. I had taught one to cover one eye with his paw , then one to spin left or right on command and the list goes on , but that gets old too , lolol.

I had put off getting my Hyacinth because of the cancer scare , which in the end was just that , not cancer , thank the Lord. But have to keep an eye on it anyway.
So now I am just about ready to get another bird :)

I can agree with your exercising , its the best thing to do , if we do it the right way that is , lolol. I have a terrible back and my legs are shot because of my hips , so I used to work out and keep a strong core , so as not to have my back go out on me again...I need to start again as soon as I get the ok , but I'm afraid to agravate my hip more and then I will have to get the surgery , so its a tough decision , lolol.

Do what helps you Roxy . My mother had a anuerysm(sp) and it burst , it was on her brain. Her surviving was a true miracle. She had to learn to walk to talk and do everything we take for granted again. She is "working" again and is fully functional and sharp as a tack , lolol And , she walks faster then I do now , lololol.
But because she worked when this happened to her , her brain was sharp , that is what few of her many doctors had said , she survived because she stayed active and used her brain ( exact words of the doctor ). She works for a church two doors down from where she lives . she is the secratary there for well over 20 years...
I love her to work a few days a week so I know where she is and she is being "watched" for me , lolol. I always call her on xmas eve and ask her when is midnight mass , lolol I do get her most of the time when I disguise my voice :)
I have to keep her blood flowing somehow , lolol.

Moral of the story is keep moving , stay sharp and love life :)
People are up the next day after hip replacement? I was thinking that would be worst case scenario! Geez, when they cut my upper jaw off to put it back where it belonged I would say that was the worst pain I've ever had. Although my pancreas is sometimes knocking on that door, vying for that title. So I figured knee/hip replacement would be at least that painful and awful, with them cutting bone. I actually had to make them let me leave the hospital; I never felt so mean in my life and I knew if I stayed I might hurt one of them, lol! And I'm very hard to knock out. So they kept giving me morphine over and over, probably to shut me up, but it didn't work. I couldn't walk I was so loopy, but I did sit up, pull my IV out and tell them to get me a wheelchair or I was going to just roll off the bed and out the door. Normally I'm nice and polite, but that was my pain limit it turned out.
Wow , that does sound like you went through a ton of pain :(
I can relate to wanting to be left alone when in a high rate of pain.
I'm exactly the same way.
And yes , they have you exercising that hip the next day and up and walking !
It's amazing , but the more mobile you are , the better the outcome.
Me , I had to stay off that hip for way too long for my taste. My house is not the best designed for that kind of lay up either. My bedrooms are up on the third floor with the master way down the far end and the bathroom way down the other , lolol.
The TV room is on the second , and the kitchen dining roon on the first with a extra bedroom that is always ice cold , so I wont use that one at all , the cats box is in that one , lolol. So , I had a really hard time getting around on crutches to say the least. But , when you are dtermined like me , you will get by :)
I refuse to be a victim of my health issues , lolol. Not this chicky :)
My sister who is in her 80's had both hips replaced this year and she was home in just 4 days. Did very well.
Wow , both hips in ONE year ! God Bless Her :)
Ok, so it might not quite as horrific as I've imagined it to be. Still, with my being hard to knock out, I bet I'm wide awake the first few days of it.

My house is also not set up well for crutches, although I'm single. I can sleep on the couch if I want to, or the downstairs bedroom. I've had surgery on both knees, but was off crutches and in a knee brace within 1-2 weeks.
I should update on Pete. I believe it was a minor sprain or strain. First thing this morning he was hanging upside down from a bell with it and spinning around like a ballerina, lol! I think with him it's a case of a bird whose been a couch potato forever who now has toys and room to play and he needs to build up skills and muscle. I think he is basically a middle aged man who has always been sedentary but now has it in mind that he wants to be in a triathalon. I'm sure once he can actually fly he will get into better shape and be able to be an active amazon as nature intends him to be.
Awe that's great to hear so glad he's doing better!!
RoxyNoodle - Check out this lady if you have chronic pain. Putting your body into alignment can remove a LOT of chronic pain! Welcome to Well Balanced Media

I've been following this woman's advice for a couple of years, and most of my chronic food and back pain is gone. I even went from being completely flat footed (my "arch" actually bowed out) to having a moderate arch!

I've started giving advice to clients that I learned from her stuff, and the ones who actually listen see results! I have even helped clients avoid surgery. I recently had a client tell me that she was able to completely avoid foot surgery, and was able to somewhat reverse her foot condition.

Seriously, check that woman out. Her blog is educational AND funny!
I will do that, Remy. Right now anything is better than surgery. Surgery is going to be a huge problem for me as I live alone with no close family. I know my mom will insist on coming, but she can't and won't take care of the horses or mow the lawn. Bad time of the year for this! Winter would have been better since at least there wouldn't be yard work. I never once had to plow snow this winter, and a neighbor would have done it for me if it had been needed.

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