My hip wasnt a replacement , but it took between 6-8 weeks to get off crutches and put full weight on it. I woudl rather the hip replacement , you are up the next day and walking, not that that surgery is any easier. But I cant take being stuck in the house and not being able to do anything , I would rather eat glass then go have to be that way again....I just cant sit still and not do anything !!
And my dogs didnt have a clue why I wasnt up and out with them like I am everyday rain , snow or shine , lolol. Border Collies need a job and picking things up for me got real old real fast , lolol. I had taught one to cover one eye with his paw , then one to spin left or right on command and the list goes on , but that gets old too , lolol.
I had put off getting my Hyacinth because of the cancer scare , which in the end was just that , not cancer , thank the Lord. But have to keep an eye on it anyway.
So now I am just about ready to get another bird
I can agree with your exercising , its the best thing to do , if we do it the right way that is , lolol. I have a terrible back and my legs are shot because of my hips , so I used to work out and keep a strong core , so as not to have my back go out on me again...I need to start again as soon as I get the ok , but I'm afraid to agravate my hip more and then I will have to get the surgery , so its a tough decision , lolol.
Do what helps you Roxy . My mother had a anuerysm(sp) and it burst , it was on her brain. Her surviving was a true miracle. She had to learn to walk to talk and do everything we take for granted again. She is "working" again and is fully functional and sharp as a tack , lolol And , she walks faster then I do now , lololol.
But because she worked when this happened to her , her brain was sharp , that is what few of her many doctors had said , she survived because she stayed active and used her brain ( exact words of the doctor ). She works for a church two doors down from where she lives . she is the secratary there for well over 20 years...
I love her to work a few days a week so I know where she is and she is being "watched" for me , lolol. I always call her on xmas eve and ask her when is midnight mass , lolol I do get her most of the time when I disguise my voice

I have to keep her blood flowing somehow , lolol.
Moral of the story is keep moving , stay sharp and love life