Parrots and Respiratory Problems


Well-known member
Jan 24, 2023
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Windham, Maine
Budgies. Lotsa Budgies.
People with respiratory problems ranging from typical allergic rhinitis to asthma, COPD, hypersensitivity
ity pneumonitis (Bird keeper's Lung) etc are often told to "get rid of" their birds if they want to breathe easier, and sometimes it's necessasry, but personally I would require some sort of reliable evidence that my birds were indeed causing my asthma before I rehome a single budgie. Perhaps it's something else associated with my birds that's harming my health.

In fact, I think there's something we all need to consider about our respiratory problems and our birds and it's what we're feeding them. I suspect the big culprit is SPRAY MILLET. Its nothing but a sprig of highly allergenic weed seeds and unlike packaged seed mixes, spray millet is full of everything allergenic that causes allergic reactions. It produces epic amounts of airborne debris when our birds consume it. My recent severe asthma attack followed a couple weeks of feeding out spray millet and I suspect that triggered my attack.

If you have a history of seasonal allergies ("hayfever"), I would avoid feeding spray millet to your birds. It's very hard to clean up the mess it makes because as soon as the wings flap the whole mess fills the air. Find a other treat to use as a training aid.

There may be other things we feed our birds or give them to destroy that we can react to.

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