
Glad you tested the heat Bill. After what I read it Just worried me you would take off and it would get to hot for him. I know how much you love your Fid.
Fantastic data provided here.

Re the body heat issue the only thing I can suggest is that the wearer sticks to mainly cotton clothing rather than man made materials in an effort to be cool.
Fantastic data provided here.

Re the body heat issue the only thing I can suggest is that the wearer sticks to mainly cotton clothing rather than man made materials in an effort to be cool.
I was wearing a cotton tee. Honestly, the only thing that I think will help and may even drop the temperature in the pak is some kind of lightweight external pack frame where the pack will actually not be in contact with the wearer's back and the frame can contact the back with mesh or webbing. It probably wouldn't be that difficult to find a suitable frame an an outdoor adventure store but would only be worth it for those young folks who are going to be spending a lot of time hiking with the bird...not for us casual users.
Bill, you must hear it all the time, but you are a DIY-genious!

Just reading this thread has solved a few issues I have with mine and gave me a lot of fun ideas for the future!

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