
Awesome thread. I'm totally getting one of these for my Rose crown Conure.

After watching her in the video I added a side bar as well but even after 2 miles she never touched it. Because she uses her hind end as stabilization I don't think she will use it but I'm hoping that after a few more miles in the pack she gets relaxed enough to stand erect and use it for balance.

Another short video with the side grab rail which she still didn't use but she is becoming more accustomed to the Pak..

[ame=""]Pak O Bird51 - YouTube[/ame]
Great work Bill!

There is DIY envy building across the Forums.

Once your Hawk gets more comfortable, the bar should come into play.

Love the Video and the set-up. Can see lots of applications.
Another short video with the side grab rail which she still didn't use but she is becoming more accustomed to the Pak..

Pak O Bird51 - YouTube

OMG that is the backpack pose LOL - Plum sits like that too when the walking gets into a rhythm - he will sit more upright when we stop so he can look about more easily. :)
Thanks but sorry, another video ;)

When I originally set up the Pak I modified the perch setup so that it could be more adjustable.

As delivered in the small pak, the perch can be mounted in 3 locations, each 2" apart. In this next pic you can see how I screwed the perch to a bracket and then hung it from the upper grommet hole which raised it about a half inch higher than the middle location and got her tail off the bottom when she perches normally.


What I did yesterday in an attempt to get her butt off the pak was swing that perch forward so that it is now about an inch closer to the access door of the pak which is the way the bird faces when walking. This moved her butt just far enough away from the back of the pack so that she was more inclined to stand up.

Believe it r not in my rush to get outside I forgot to add the beak bar and I'm pretty sure that she would have used walk will tell.

At one point (no video) she put one foot on the food cup and stood that way for a while. In the following video she appears to be more relaxed and is having a simple verbal exchange with me on and off...I even got her to make one whistle. We weren't out long as I thought it was a bit chilly.


[ame=""]pak-o-bird5 24 16 - YouTube[/ame]
Great communication going in the most recent Post. Clearly much more comfortable. The changes clearly place her in a better position.

As always, thanks for my dose of Hawk!
Thanks and you're welcome.

Today we'll try it again and this time with the grab bar.
Bill just curious have you kept up with the temp inside the pack ? Wondering if it gets hot or enough ventilation that it stays cool .
Bill just curious have you kept up with the temp inside the pack ? Wondering if it gets hot or enough ventilation that it stays cool .
Christine, are you trying to make me spend money? ;)

I actually think that it would be cooler in the pak than I am because the stainless steel screen is reflective and thus should reflect the sun's heat. It is a good question and one which would be easily solvable. I just happen to have a wireless thermometer that I can place in the pack for the next walk. Today is supposed to be close to 90 up here in NH so it would be a good time to try it out.
As always, thanks for my dose of Hawk!

A little off topic but how 'bout this guy. The more rare and larger Brazilian Hawk Head (Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons)

Just stunning!

Bill just curious have you kept up with the temp inside the pack ? Wondering if it gets hot or enough ventilation that it stays cool .
Christine, are you trying to make me spend money? ;)

I actually think that it would be cooler in the pak than I am because the stainless steel screen is reflective and thus should reflect the sun's heat. It is a good question and one which would be easily solvable. I just happen to have a wireless thermometer that I can place in the pack for the next walk. Today is supposed to be close to 90 up here in NH so it would be a good time to try it out.

LOL no not trying. I can't remember where i read it but someone posted it can get warm inside.
Bill just curious have you kept up with the temp inside the pack ? Wondering if it gets hot or enough ventilation that it stays cool .
Christine, are you trying to make me spend money? ;)

I actually think that it would be cooler in the pak than I am because the stainless steel screen is reflective and thus should reflect the sun's heat. It is a good question and one which would be easily solvable. I just happen to have a wireless thermometer that I can place in the pack for the next walk. Today is supposed to be close to 90 up here in NH so it would be a good time to try it out.

LOL no not trying. I can't remember where i read it but someone posted it can get warm inside.

Obviously were not from the UK then Christine! :(
I did a lot of experimentation today with regards to temperature, testing the pak in the sun and the shade and then in use. I sent all the data to the manufacturer.

Bottom line is that the ambient air temp does rise a couple of degrees in the pack presumably because there is less air flow in the pack than in the open but I believe that minor increase in temperature would happen in any screened in enclosure. Where the pak excelled was in reflecting heat. In one test with the pack sitting in direct sun with a remote temperature probe inside and the base unit with built in prob in the shade, the pack increased in temperature two degrees higher than the outside temp over a period of 1/2 hour. Moving the base unit to the same full sun position increased its temperature to 3 degrees higher than the pak in only 3 minutes. I can only assume that it would have kept climbing had I continued that test. So the stainless steel mesh in my opinion did a pretty good job of reflecting heat and keeping the temperature down in the pack. Had a bird been sitting in a normal cage in that direct sun it would have baked in no time.

One thing I did notice was that my back got sweaty (it was 86° out) and of course that heat would have been transmitted into the pak. I wonder if some kind of insulated/ventilated pad could be of help there.
OMG! That s a gorgeous bird! Never heard of them.
This is my Nike. Notice that she has a white crown where the Brazilian subspecies pictured in the previous post does not.
Oh yeah, I gotta get one of these. Small for a Sun Conure, right? :orange:
Yes small. And you can save a few bucks ordering it on Amazon as they are pricey.

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