Our new baby has arrived!

Minor improvement update (because minor is better than nothing): Adrian let me pet her beak through the bars of the cage. She will eat millet from my hand but only a strand of it, not chunks directly from my palm or fingers. I have noticed her picking more from her food dish today as well as climbing a little more. Yesterday she mostly sat in the same place the whole day. My husband has to hand feed her tonight while I'm at work so we'll see how that goes ;)

Sounds like some improvement !! Millet is your friend, keep it close by at all times, when I was training my Budgie I kept a small piece in my hand and the bird would look at it and then look at me over and over

So that was almost 5 days ago, any better yet?
this looks like my IRN Tiko. He passed away few years ago. Seeing adrian, makes me miss Tiko, he was my first parrort and i loved him so much... RIP TIKO:( .. Anyways, adrian is beautiful, cherish every moment with him/her :)
My heart literally melted upon seeing that picture. So innocent and overwhelmed by the new surroundings, and with his little leg up on the bars, too. Ugh, IRNs are adorable and stunning birds.
Oh I know my IRN has such a personality its amazing, so smart. You will be so happy.
Oh my goodness! So sorry to have not responded until now. I didn't realize people were still posting on this thread since I have made a couple new ones. Anyway, thank you all for the compliments! If you would like another update, I posted one called "Adrian update #2". @Babybirdie, so sorry to hear of Tiko but I hope seeing my updates and stories of Adrian will remind you of good times with him :) @Peepers, thank you! She really is very adorable. @Nexus, she really was overwhelmed the first couple days but now she's all over the cage like it's been her home all along! She chatters happily throughout the day. I love listening to her. @GW Joe, please check out my recent update! I plan to post another pretty soon. She's better and better every day. Her favorite thing is neck scratches!

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