Advice!! 2 Indian ringnecks (1 male, 1 female) - Can they co-exist without breeding??


New member
Jul 1, 2024
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Sydney, Australia
2 Indian ringnecks
Hi all - new to this forum!

I have 2 Indian Ringnecks, 1 yellow female approx. 9 months and 1 yellow/green male approx. 8 months. We were told by the breeder that the female was a male, however we did a DNA test and it turns out she is indeed a female. We have had had her since she was 12 weeks old and is fully tame and talks quite a lot! The male was a "rescue" and was DNA tested when we got him so he is definitely male. We have only had him for about 2 months. He is also pretty tame and will step up etc but a little hand shy still.

They DO not share a cage, they each have their own large flight cages and we also have a large play stand in which they come out during the day for supervised play time. They are never left out of their cages unsupervised.

Recently, the female has starting displaying "mating behaviour" to the male (eyes pinning, head tilted and wings open) but the male doesn't do anything and eventually with just move away from her.

The female is also quite aggressive towards the male at times and will try and attack him if she gets the chance.

My question is, is there a way to ensure they won't breed eventually?? We DO NOT want babies, but also find the thought of having to rehome one of our ringnecks heart-breaking.

Most importantly, I want to do what is in the best interest of both birds.

I have attached some photos of the little munchkins.

Any advice/insight would be much appreciated!! xx


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