Ouch !!!!!! Eina !!!! Is Mishka Jealous ?

Question... a bit off topic, but since you said Mishka likes his vet, does Mishka need to be toweled at the vet for exams and such? Kawie was sore mad at us for an entire day after the vet visit. I was wondering if it was because he was toweled there and we dont do that at home.

Wondering if we should start playing with the towel a little bit.
Question... a bit off topic, but since you said Mishka likes his vet, does Mishka need to be toweled at the vet for exams and such? Kawie was sore mad at us for an entire day after the vet visit. I was wondering if it was because he was toweled there and we dont do that at home.

Wondering if we should start playing with the towel a little bit.

Mishka simply adores Dr Russell. Never used a towel with Mishka.
Immediately after his wings are clipped and nails trimmed, Mishka steps up onto my hand, and gives both Dr Russell and myself a BIG kiss. :D

I asked Dr Russell, when using a towel, is there a specific colour he uses.
When needed to towel, he mentioned that he uses a dark blue towel, reckons is keeps the bird calm. ;)

I suggest play around with a dark blue towel, so when visiting the vet, Kawie will be used to the towel.

I honestly do not know what is up with Mishka...

Is it his hormones OR is it the bath

He seems irritated when being taken out the bath. I let him stay a few extra minutes, to dance thinking perhaps that is what he wants.

I have since let him step up on the stick, but he still wants a piece of my hand.

NOW when stepping up on the stick, I hold a little chain, close to his beak, to distract him.

It seems to be working.... but for how long?

The only time I have ever used a stick is now....... TO SAVE MY HAND
I'm sorry you got bit honey...
I'm glad Steven is back safe an sound :)

Since you mentioned the bathroom being the place that both bites had happened, maybe you touched the shower head or the coil it's attached to and didnt realize it ? That could have brought back the fear Mishka had felt the first time...idk..

But it is something to think about.
Oh the hormonal stage , how I fear thee :11::11:
I'm sorry you got bit honey...
I'm glad Steven is back safe an sound :)

Since you mentioned the bathroom being the place that both bites had happened, maybe you touched the shower head or the coil it's attached to and didnt realize it ? That could have brought back the fear Mishka had felt the first time...idk..

But it is something to think about.
Oh the hormonal stage , how I fear thee :11:

Thanks... it is great to have Steven back safe and sound X X

I follow the same routine each time. When ending the shower, Mishka walks away from the nozzle, the I put it back carefully.
The more I think about it........ :11: it must be the hormones.
Heaven help me .... what am I supposed to be expecting??????
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Mishka had a shower earlier this morning, all went well until I tried to let him step up on the stick. He began to lunge at the stick. I held a chain nearby to distract him, and it worked. He had a very loving blow dry afterwards giving me so many kisses.

He is very happy and content in his cage. Often when taking pictures of him, he steps up onto my hand, and I place him where I want him. This morning he began lunging at me, when I wanted to pick him up. I managed to get my hand away quickly, without any injuries.

I was reading an article a last night...... it sounds like Mishka's hormones are definitely kicking in.

I have typed out what I read.... very interesting and very scary.

These changes can catch a person off guard, especially when you have raised your beloved parrot from a baby; suddenly you have Mr Hyde on your hands, instead of a loving bird. Nothing prepares you for what it's like to live with a parrot who feels the need to breed. Although each different kind of parrot displays a different level of hormonal behavior, they do each experience it to some point.
What people need to understand the most is, while some parrots may breed only in spring, many parrots will breed all year round thus behavior may change randomly throughout the year and become unpredictable at any time due to breeding hormones. An African Grey parrot is one of those known to breed year round, and many who share their lives with these beautiful birds understand that they can go through moody cycles.

The easiest thing for us is to limit sugars and starch while our birds are exhibiting breeding behavior.
Feeding a parrot a lot of grapes or corn on the cob while it is hormonal is a bad idea because those foods help to increase the hormones rampaging through your birds body by tenfold.

Mishka has gone off his corn totally, throwing it out of his bowl. Mishka has not eaten any grapes for weeks, due to the fact that it is winter here now. He does however enjoy eating rice and paste.

We also need to be aware of the effect our touch has on our parrots. While we enjoy stroking and petting our companion birds, sometimes our touch can over-stimulate an excited bird who is looking to breed, causing biting and screaming as a reaction from the bird., only that we should be aware that during hormonal cycles it is best to limit our stroking to safe non-sexual areas of the parrots body, like the top of the wings.

Mishka is not a cuddly bird at all, I am only allowed to give him head scratches.

If you're the chosen mate in the parrot's sight, and not to let anyone other than the chosen mate clean or do anything else near the cage area. Remember, you being the chosen mate does not mean you will not be bitten, the parrot may very well bite you as a warning that another "potential mate" is close, and these bites can be
devastating. Never allow a hormonal parrot on your shoulder, the facial bites reported when this happens are often horrific and devastating.

I am the only who handles Mishka, I clean his cages etc etc
(Steven very seldom does, unless and emergency).

I just want my beautiful content baby back. :(
Thanks for the information .
Very interesting , I'm sorry it's Mishka's species that breeds all year long :(
I hope Mishka's hormonal stage doesn't last long:(
Thanks for the information .
Very interesting , I'm sorry it's Mishka's species that breeds all year long :(
I hope Mishka's hormonal stage doesn't last long:(

Just shows we are never too old to learn LoL :eek:

He is actually in a weird mood right now, sitting in his cage just watching me. I have tried to give him kisses, he ignores me. :(
I am just giving him his space, to chill and relax.
His appetite is as normal as usual, thank goodness.
I think we must also realize that birds do have mood swings just as us humans do.
Awwwwwww I believe Mishka knew he had hurt me :(

About an hour ago this is all I am hearing


No matter what I will always love you

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Gl0CkYkFXs"]Amazing Talking African Grey Mishka - Is Sorry - YouTube[/ame]

There is a guy on "Aussie birds friendly forum" called Mike, his username is avinet. He might be able to give you advice he has Grey's and owned a pet shop for years. He knows a lot. Everyone goes to him for advice on that forum.
There is a guy on "Aussie birds friendly forum" called Mike, his username is avinet. He might be able to give you advice he has Grey's and owned a pet shop for years. He knows a lot. Everyone goes to him for advice on that forum.

Thanks for the info, will contact him.
Will let you know what transpires

Thanks once again X X
I guess it can be devastating to you when you get a bite from your Mishka. I am so sorry. At least he is not laying eggs!! Greys reach sexual maturity about 3 to 5 years old and that is where he is. Rosie is 3 now but I have had several bites, not beause of hormones though. Like you said just give him space and time. I wonder how long this eposide will last?

This is a good article on the subject: http://www.avianweb.com/sexualbehaviorinbirds.html
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I guess it can be devastating to you when you get a bite from your Mishka. I am so sorry. At least he is not laying eggs!! Greys reach sexual maturity about 3 to 5 years old and that is where he is. Rosie is 3 now but I have had several bites, not beause of hormones though. Like you said just give him space and time. I wonder how long this eposide will last?

This is a good article on the subject: Hormonal Behavior in Companion Parrots

Thanks for the link, very interesting, I have bookmarked it

They reckon African Grey's hormones can be effective throughout the year OMG :eek:
Is his cage next to a mirror?
Just wondering.. due to his age... maybe the bird in the mirror he regards as his mate...????
Just wondering.. due to his age... maybe the bird in the mirror he regards as his mate...????[/QUOTE

Thanks for you input

I was also wondering if the mirror was the 'factor' here
I doubt it very much.........
Mishka has been chatting to the mirror for years..... mind you you never know.

Will remove it for a couple of days and see what happens

Must admit I forgot to remove the mirror, things hectic here

BUT this morning I was brave when showering Mishka

I did not use the stick, was very careful and showed him I was not afraid of him.

He stepped up onto my hand, kissed me and said I luf youuuuuuuuu mommy

I will still be very weary of him......

I think my baby is behaving normally, lets hope it stays that way.
Baby steps right. Hang in there. I'm sure there is a reason why he is behaving this way.

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