Ouch !!!!!! Eina !!!! Is Mishka Jealous ?

Yea I know antoinette. I've been wanting to get one for a couple years but the timing was never right. I'm not afraid of a little bite, in fact I'm expecting it. I'm sure there will be many more good times than bad. So I don't regret my decision at all.
Ouch! That does look painful. Sounds like jealousy got the better of him. Amazes me how bird can pick up on changes. I think they are smart then we give them credit for sometimes.
I hear that greys can be VERY manipulative into making you want to love you even after biting.

I've heard cases where the grey has bitten someone and yelled out "I love you! I love you!" or "I'm sorry!" to coerce/guilt-trip the owner into coming back into the room :p

Seems like Mishka has done the same! Makes me wonder if it's just a select group, or a grey thing, lol.
Ant, I am so sorry... I know how that must hurt... Abby has gotten me several times when she did not want to do something....
Be sure and keep the wound clean and some type of antibiotic ointment and a band-aide on it.

Something might have spooked him, did feel like he was falling? That is when Abby grabs me with her beak..
So sorry, it hurts more than your hand to get bit, I know it hurts your feelings. Is it possible that Mishka is hormonal? I dont know when greys sexually mature, but he's about 4? Merlin bites sometimes when he's very excited, maybe you need to change your bath ritual around, just to shake things up a bit.
Ouch... that would have hurt... Maybe more hurt emotionally than physically?

Working with intellectually disabled people, I never know what's in store for me at any day... Some are so loving one minute and turns to monsters the next... and no one knows why...

What we learn is to read body language... even small signs... We are also taught never to be complacent..

I find that the stuff I learn about the guys I work with, also applies to parrots...

I know i shouldn't compare humans to parrots, but I just can't help it...
I find that the stuff I learn about the guys I work with, also applies to parrots...

I know i shouldn't compare humans to parrots, but I just can't help it...

You're right, you shouldn't compare humans to parrots. Parrots are much more predictable. :D Then again, mentally ill people are more predictable than so-called sane people.

I used to work with elderly people with dementia (ranging from no dementia to bat-poop crazy). It gave me tools that have helped me in dealing with difficult people, and with Puck. Lol.
Sorry to hear that happened. I am sure he didn't mean to hurt you that way though. I hope it heals soon!

My son got a little to close to Kawie and got a 2 cm scratch on his face for it. And my wife has had a small site to her cheek when giving him a kiss. Admittedly though, that was in the first 2 months he came to live with us and before we learned his "I have had enough attention" signs. They are very strong. I have gotten some love bites, but nothing that ever broke the skin.

Poor you a well :(
Perhaps I should call them 'Dracula Love Bites' :eek:
So sorry, it hurts more than your hand to get bit, I know it hurts your feelings. Is it possible that Mishka is hormonal? I dont know when greys sexually mature, but he's about 4? Merlin bites sometimes when he's very excited, maybe you need to change your bath ritual around, just to shake things up a bit.

Hormones might be kicking in, who knows.... he will be 5 in November.
Mishka has only ever been in the same bath for almost 5 years, nothing has changed at all. Same colour towels, shower nozzle etc......
Hey maybe he wants a change LoL
Ouch... that would have hurt... Maybe more hurt emotionally than physically?

Working with intellectually disabled people, I never know what's in store for me at any day... Some are so loving one minute and turns to monsters the next... and no one knows why...

What we learn is to read body language... even small signs... We are also taught never to be complacent..

I find that the stuff I learn about the guys I work with, also applies to parrots...

I know i shouldn't compare humans to parrots, but I just can't help it...

Never mind the disabled people, what about the so called 'normal people'
LoL I would rather put my trust in a bird any day :rolleyes:
Ant, I am so sorry... I know how that must hurt... Abby has gotten me several times when she did not want to do something....
Be sure and keep the wound clean and some type of antibiotic ointment and a band-aide on it.

Something might have spooked him, did feel like he was falling? That is when Abby grabs me with her beak..

Thanks Mike ......
I have been going over and over how it happened :rolleyes:
No conclusion :eek:

Nothing different was done, same routine each and every day.
He stands at one end of the bath, I get the water temp just right, he tells me come on mommy quickly come on. He then waddles towards the shower nozzle, lifts up both of his wings, I spray. I then spray on top of his body, he then lifts his bum (LoL) I spray underneath. I turn off the tap, he begins dancing, then steps up on my hand.

He never got a fright, there was no loud noise (5am) very quiet
He stepped right up on my hand, and just bit. He did not almost fall or stumble at all.

I hear that greys can be VERY manipulative into making you want to love you even after biting.

I've heard cases where the grey has bitten someone and yelled out "I love you! I love you!" or "I'm sorry!" to coerce/guilt-trip the owner into coming back into the room :p

Seems like Mishka has done the same! Makes me wonder if it's just a select group, or a grey thing, lol.

I reckon any bird, not matter what species, even after biting their loved one, always wants to be loved.
If we could read into their tiny minds, the answers are all there.

Glad to hear your son's home safe and sound. Sorry to hear about the bite, I hope your hand heals quickly! Love and hugs!

Thanks..... Steven had the had the time of life....
He mentioned he would love to move there one day (I knew that was coming) :rolleyes:

This morning when taking Mishka out the bath, I let him step up on the stick, he never refused and stepped up 1st time, without a glitch.
(Thank goodness) .......
I hope your hand feels better! Ya, Mishka was probobaly jealous.
Just today I gave my sennie a slice of apple and then I had to go out of the room to the kitchen to get a napkin. When I came back Bella and Zora were all over me nipping and demanding for apple. Haha.
Again, sorry about your hand. Heal quickly!

Thanks my hand is healing slowly, must admit it kept me up last night, throbbing and throbbing, I eventually took a painkiller. :(

Today Steven and Mishka shared brekkie and later a sandwich, no jealously there shuuuuu
Nope not single warning, no strange body language etc... :rolleyes:
When I turn the tap off, he usually dances, which he did, then when picking him up he bit. :eek:

I feel like a helpless wreck, can hardly move my hand, also the cold weather does not help, but sure it will heal soon.


Weird; normally you'd think he'd pin his eyes or his feathers would flatten. I can see that it would be jealousy, but still find it odd that there was no warning what-so-ever.

Goes to show you how smart Greys are! If he had showed warning signs the surprise of a bite would not have been there!! Always trying to outsmart us! LOL

His behaviour was as normal as before.....
His feather's were not fluffed up
I could not see his eyes, as he was lower than me

LoL he did outsmart me ;)
that looks sore! could it be hormones kicking in? i'm sure he didn't mean it, he looks just as cute as ever xxx
that looks sore! could it be hormones kicking in? i'm sure he didn't mean it, he looks just as cute as ever xxx

Still trying to figure this one out :rolleyes:

His behavior is absolutely normal, throughout the day, chatting and being so lovable....
I feel your pain Antoinette! Last week we had a really close call with Puffin when hubby took him outside and he flew away luckily he came right back but it sure gave my husband a fright and he booked him in for a wing clip the next day! After we got home from the vet and had dinner hubby got him out of his cage and as usual brought him over to me for a kiss and he lunged at me and bit me really hard on my nose...boy did I see stars! I still have the scab a week later! It really shocked me because he has never bitten me and this was a real angry bite! I won't be in the vet with him again that's for sure, hubby can have that job!
I was reading through all the above posts again and again :rolleyes:
Many stated he might be hormonal :eek:

What type of behaviour is expected when they are hormonal? :eek:

Only one of my Grey's was older than Mishka, got him at about 7 years old.

I have never experienced a Grey going through this hormone stage. :(
I feel your pain Antoinette! Last week we had a really close call with Puffin when hubby took him outside and he flew away luckily he came right back but it sure gave my husband a fright and he booked him in for a wing clip the next day! After we got home from the vet and had dinner hubby got him out of his cage and as usual brought him over to me for a kiss and he lunged at me and bit me really hard on my nose...boy did I see stars! I still have the scab a week later! It really shocked me because he has never bitten me and this was a real angry bite! I won't be in the vet with him again that's for sure, hubby can have that job!

OMG that must have been so so so sore eina on the nose, I have goosebumps just thinking about it. I hope you recover soon, and are not afraid of Puffin.
I must admit, I am afraid and very weary of Mishka, but try not to show it. If I am feeling afraid, I now use the stick......(like when taking him out the bath)
Guess Puffin was not happy about being take to the vet, and having his wings clipped.
IF ONLY.... we could explain to them, it's for their own safety and well being, that their wings must be clipped....
Thank goodness, Mishka loves his vet, BECAUSE I am the only one able to take him there :D


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