Opportunity knocks?

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Well to begin with, I wouldn't go with a hand fed bird unless the breeder is close by to monitor you for the first couples of weeks. (Don't think me of as a hyprocrite, more of just poor knowledge when I got my bird)

Second, how I see it, prepare everything a month or two ahead as you have time(as you said), cage and everything.

Thirdly, research! Every bird is different and should be treated as such.

and lastly! Conures are great birds, over the past few months I've visited several Sun's(Pet stores, vet offices and such) and they have been a ball! They bite hard but the cuddliness is amazing!

If you need to know anything, feel free to ask :)! I'm assuming you were looking at a Sun as that was what my Sun cost me.
I am looking at a sun conure. From what I've read they have the same clownish, chattery personalities as a chattering lory. I'm open to other conures as well, if one came along. I want a small parrot, around 12-16 inches full grown, with a friendly, playful, chattery disposition. Conures fit the bill.

My plan is to have everything ready before I even put a deposit on a bird, much less bring one home. I've got a wishlist set up on Amazon so I can buy things and keep track of what I need to get.

I also want to give myself time to make sure my work has totally stabilized after the hit I took from the tornadoes. Income is pretty good right now but I want to make sure its going to stay that way before I go out and get another mouth to feed.
lol that is my breeder :S

Is she really?

Are you driving to pick up your baby? She offered to let me do that but it would be a 7 hour drive for me and she said flying would be easier on the baby. When do you get your little bird? Maybe I'll wait and see how things work out for you and make a decision from there.

Like I said, I've bottle fed kittens, puppies and rabbits in the past. I volunteered at a vet's office when I was in high school. ran an animal rescue in Texas for four years and used to work as a vet tech. I've never hand raised a baby bird before unless you count the blue jay I found when I was a kid but we just fed him bread soaked in milk. Not quite the same thing.

I'm not going to just jump into anything head first. I'm doing my homework here. ^^
She lives 30 minutes away from me so ya, driving to pick the baby up. I pick the bird up June 13th(I was suppose to get it June 6th but I had to go to a family thing and she offered to watch the baby for me for free). Shes a really nice person and has answered all my questions promptly, I think she over exaggerated the 100+ birds as her nursery doesn't even look large enough to hold that many but who knows! I'll update you Sunday when I go up to visit her.

I am looking at a sun conure. From what I've read they have the same clownish, chattery personalities as a chattering lory. I'm open to other conures as well, if one came along. I want a small parrot, around 12-16 inches full grown, with a friendly, playful, chattery disposition. Conures fit the bill.

My plan is to have everything ready before I even put a deposit on a bird, much less bring one home. I've got a wishlist set up on Amazon so I can buy things and keep track of what I need to get.

I also want to give myself time to make sure my work has totally stabilized after the hit I took from the tornadoes. Income is pretty good right now but I want to make sure its going to stay that way before I go out and get another mouth to feed.

They are really fun to play with, my vet office had a rescue in for a little bit and the entire staff cooed over the baby as he was determined to have all eyes on him lol.
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I'll be honest, I don't get this whole "you need to let yourself heal" thing and it really bothers me that it was even said and that people thought it was a helpful post.

I'm sorry you didn't find my post helpful. Would you have rather me said how I really feel? I was trying to be as nice as I could, and I am glad you aren't "wounded." I do find it a bit odd that you give up on one, with whatever reasons you had, and start talking about getting another within the next month.
One more thing. This is a public forum. You ask a question and you will get answers, they just may not be what you want to hear. I seen no one talking down to you. Everyone is being honest. You have to expect that people are going to give you opinions, good or bad. You may take things the wrong way and think people are just being mean, or unkind to you, and maybe some people are, but that is life on a public forum. You open your life up to a bunch of strangers.
Abzeez, believe it or not, I don't need your approval to live my life. If you have anything else to say to me or if you want to express how you really feel, you can always send me a private message. My inbox is wide open.

I find it a bit odd that you interpret my realizing that I can't handle a greenwing macaw as giving up on one. I was in over my head. Even if my town hadn't been hit by all those tornadoes, I would have eventually realized I'd made a mistake. I could totally understand your point of view if I was trying to get another macaw or any other type of large parrot but I'm not. Lesson learned.

Should I have kept the bird and let him develop a nasty temperament? Until he started plucking his feathers? Biting off his own toes? Screaming 24/7? I wanted to rehome him while there was still a chance that someone would want him. It was obvious to me that I could not provide him with the home he deserved. I did my best to rectify that mistake and now I would like to move on with my life. I don't see how one misstep means I shouldn't try again with a bird more suited to my experience level.

And you are absolutely right. By posting here I am opening myself up to judgements and criticisms from a bunch of strangers. You might do well to remember that you are, in fact, a stranger. You don't know me so what exactly makes you an expert on how I should handle this situation?
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I think I would be very afraid to handfeed, particularly without having somebody show me how to do it in person. I would be scared of doing something wrong just having written or spoken on the phone instructions. I hope you can find the perfect conure for you! :)
i know its easy to damage the chicks beak if you are not used to hand feeding. its very easy to get the beak misaligned.
in the UK its illegal to buy unweaned birds.
try and find a local breeder so you can choose your own baby and not put them through the "shipping" trauma.
There is a breeder that is very local to me and I checked with her first. I backed away from her though because I contacted her asking about a chattering lory. She doesn't breed lories so she tried to get me to take a female SI Eclectus because "they're also red" ...

I'm not shopping for a bird based on color. I was looking for a specific size and temperament. I couldn't help but see that as a big ole red flag. (No pun intended.) So I started looking for breeders in neighboring states. :)
This thread is no longer productive in any way. I am closing this thread. Please make sure to PM a member if you have any negative comments. This is a public forum as has been said and we want happy campers. thanks
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