Opinion on Morphs of Cornsnake


Well-known member
Dec 22, 2011
Blue & Gold Macaw (Titan) & Yellow Naped Amazon (Kelly)
I have been seriously thinking about ordering a cornsnake:) So I have been looking at the different morphs... forgot how many there were! I ended up back on the first site I ever went to when I first looked into snakes and I think I am going to order from him. Even after all these years he still has excellent reviews. So these are the morphs I have picked out as favorites from his website. Tell me which one you guys like:) One of each is not an option...unfortunately... I mean I could but don't need that much extra work:p

(The photos are not of the actually snake but just examples of the adult colors. I would be getting a hatchling. All pics are from South Mountain Reptiles where I would be ordering the hatchling.)

So first is the Extreme Reverse Okeetee.

Snow Motley


Salmon Snow

Cayenne Fire

Last one is the Butter which is my favorite right now since it reminds me of a mini Riddick.

So which one do you think I should get:D
I had a butter phase. He was 13 years old when he passed away. Gorgeous snake with a great attitude. I also had a ghost phase, sunglow and a normal.



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Your sunglow was gorgeous! I really am leaning towards a butter...maybe I'll cave and buy two different morphs...
Ooh how pretty! :)
I remember you saying corn snakes are in a different genus and can't get that boa disease in case yours carry it? I'm glad you still have an option to get more snakes :) Yay! Not a snake person here, but I'm happy for you. They're all so beautiful. I'd say the cayenne fire (wow!), or the snow motley would be my two favorite. The butter is very pretty too, though won't be as gigantic as Riddick was!
Why not get a rescue? Corn snakes frequently show up in rescues. I have one now that needs a home. I haven't gotten him posted on Petfinder yet, but he's a very pretty albino with nice white borders.
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Your sunglow was gorgeous! I really am leaning towards a butter...maybe I'll cave and buy two different morphs...

Just do it already. Cave, and buy two. :)

SOOOO I've looked again today and I think I have caved.... butter and striped bloodred.

This is a striped bloodred...

I'm going to wait a couple days and make sure I'm really sure before ordering them!

Sonja I thought about adopting an older snake but I would like certain morphs. If you know anyone with a butter let me know!
WOW :eek:! Please ship me some of those gorgeous babies! I've been wary of buying snakes when my baby boy passed after a year (no idea what happened - I didn't know of necropsies at the time and was too shocked to even think about it), but my boyfriend has his corns that I love that are just normal. I'm totally sold on that striped blood red and the butter, too! I love the morphs. Snow corns are my second favourite to the blizzard corns.

Is it much of a hassle shipping hatchlings? My boyfriend and I always try to keep away from them as they're more difficult to raise as it's their more... "fragile", if you will, point in life. I'd love to get a new one some time soon, though, as I miss my neck cuddle buddy while I game! Birds tend to just destroy my laptop :rolleyes: Keep us updated! Perhaps I'll just live vicariously through you :eek:
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:D Corn hatchlings are pretty hardy and easy to care for and they don't stay tiny for very long. Just don't overheat them, drown them, have holes that are too big in a cage or feed them sizes too large. The only thing you would want to make sure of if getting a hatchling from someone that hasn't built a reputation is to make sure the snake has eaten it's first couple meals. Hatchlings can have feeding response issues when young. A good breeder only sells those that are eating their meals readily. The snow from SMR is only 25 dollars....

Shipping isn't really a hassle. You pay for overnight delivery and make sure you are there to get them at the door when delivered. Plop them in a cage give them a food size that is about half of the size that is appropriate after a couple days. Since you are in Canada it might be a bit more of a hassle to ship them over. SMR is not licensed for exporting (checked real quick) but their site says they can ship to a legal exporter that can then ship the animal to you...
I'm finding this thread interesting! I had no idea there were SO MANY different beautiful colors. That striped bloodred is wow! :)

How big do Corn Snakes get? The body circumference?
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Corns are one of the species with the most variety to choose from:) You should google ball python morphs talk about a lot to choose from!

Corns average out at about 3.5 to 5 feet in length some do get close to 6 feet but that is a huge corn! Circumference...hmm..I haven't seen one in so long but I guess 2 to 3 inches in full grown adults but wouldn't be surprised if thats a smaller number. They aren't thick snakes at all. Unlike my boa who I had out today and she was doing a good job of cutting circulation off to my hand...
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You should google ball python morphs talk about a lot to choose from

my boa who I had out today and she was doing a good job of cutting circulation off to my hand...

I just googled Ball Python morphs... WOW :eek: talk about eye candy! So many beautiful colors and amazing patterns! Almost makes me want one lol. Those unusual ones are really pricey!

Oh, and the cutting off circulation is what I'd be afraid of!
Those are so pretty! Never thought of corn snake morphs.(though I have looked through the ball python morphs!)

I currently have a Coastal Carpet Python for a couple weeks. Got him for a friend who recently lost her two ball pythons(the rats she purchased were recalled shortly after for carrying salmonella.) and since her birthday isn't till Monday, I figured I'd care for him myself for a couple of weeks to make sure he was eating and adapting to change okay. :)

He's a beauty but I'm excited to surprise my friend! Hehe. She has no idea. :p
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I always loved the carpets! Never had one though. I really wanted a tree python back in the day instead of one of the carpets....even though I liked the length of the carpets.

Here is my big girl....she is usually much lighter but she is a little cold right now! Plus, she looks like she will be shedding soon. Had to do a makeshift cage since we aren't sure when we are moving the big snake cages so they have to be ready to go at the last minute. She should be back in her 6 by 3 cage Thursday!

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She's a normal red tailed boa. Amazingly she was my second ever snake and she survived the mess of the disease. She definitely lives up to her name Lucky.

This is Catty my normal ball python. She is really light for a normal with a bit of unusual markings. She is also underweight and has always been a pain in my butt when it comes to eating. She likes to eat when off heat for some reason...she finally ate her first rat in I don't know how long. Ball pythons can go a long long time without eating. You can also see scale damage from a bad infestation of mites along her neck.
There both pretty girls Victoria. I like the way Red Tail Boas heads look. The tail isn't red... Does that go away as they mature?

I've always felt sorry for live food animals :( lol.
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I'll have to get a pic when she is warm and not about to shed. She has a fairly red tail and is usually a light grey color. The tail is more of a muddy red in my opinion even when young. But yeah right now she is more tan and brown:)

They both eat frozen rats actually....though I guess they were alive at some point...
Your snakes are beautiful! I bet it'll be weird having a hatchling corn snake compared to those! Haha.
I like the little carpet python. He's about 3 feet long but not much more in diameter than a adolescent corn snake! I'll take a picture next time I feed him. I'm gonna make sure he eats one more meal before I send him to his new home, he's about to shed though so I'm leaving him be for a little while. :)
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Sooooo I just ordered both of them from South Mountain Reptiles. A male butter and female striped bloodred for delivery on July 10th:) I'm already impatient for them to come in!

I will post pictures of them when they get here:D They are definitely gonna be super tiny compared to what I am used to dragging around!

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