OMG Mishka - How could you !!!!!

I love the "Mummy is Cuckooo" all because you "clean the bathroom"... Mishka is funny. And a man of my own heart, I hate cleaning the bathroom.
"Mummy is cleaning the bathroom to poopie." she'll have to clean it all over again shen she's done. :D

I'd be laughing all day long, Ant. Mishka is THE best!!! A true comedian.
"Mummy is cleaning the bathroom to poopie." she'll have to clean it all over again shen she's done. :D

I'd be laughing all day long, Ant. Mishka is THE best!!! A true comedian.

Omg Mishka does NOT stop
He is now saying mommy is drinking poopie and mommy is eating poopie. Will get it in vid, next weekend

What am I going to do with him :eek:

He has an incredible ability to mix and match words together
LOL. how funny but I have to ask you are you really that bad of a Cook?:21:
I love the "Mummy is Cuckooo" all because you "clean the bathroom"... Mishka is funny. And a man of my own heart, I hate cleaning the bathroom.

Mommy is cuckoo.... haha he has called me worse believe me !!!!!
He always says mommy must go clean the bathroom to poopie, wonder why

LOL. how funny but I have to ask you are you really that bad of a Cook?:21:

I am the worst cook on this planet, and believe me I think Mishka knows. Whenever I am cooking he says ohhhh ohhhhh ..... as if I have made a stuff up... which I proabably have anyway LoL

Did you do something special to teach him to talk or is he natural talent?
Did you do something special to teach him to talk or is he natural talent?

Anything special no, just takes time and patiencem.
I sit with Mishka for an hour each night, teaching him new words, making them into sentences.
I must admit, Mishka is a star pupil, he loves listening and practices on his own.
Below is a thread which might interest you

Talking - How I teach Mishka to talk
Thanks for referring me to this thread. Unfortunately my birdy doesn't talk yet even not one word. I am trying to teach her several words, talking to her as if she were a baby and explaining her everything I do. But she doesn't seem to take interest in any of that. She is all into playing with her toys and making tricks. Still she is my favorite girl.
Thanks for referring me to this thread. Unfortunately my birdy doesn't talk yet even not one word. I am trying to teach her several words, talking to her as if she were a baby and explaining her everything I do. But she doesn't seem to take interest in any of that. She is all into playing with her toys and making tricks. Still she is my favorite girl.

Take baby steps, only two words at a time. Only teach a new one when you are sure your bird says the word clearly and understands the meaning of the words.

EG: When walking in say hello to the bird, and when walking put say bye bye. Your bird will eventually put two and two together, knowing when you walk in, she will evenutally say hello and visa versa.

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