Ohhh boy

Well me and my brother are going over tomorrow morning for a couple of hours.

And if he for sure is a boy I was thinking Sam, and for a girl I was thinking Faye
Those are great names :). Love Faye.
Enjoy your visit with your we baby.
Can you take some pictures ?
I was going to but I grabbed my camera and the batteries dead with no time to charge it lol

I need to when I can buy his cage, so I'm gonna ask when I can take him
I have a question about biting, he bit me today so while he had my skin in his mouth I didn't pull my hand away but just tried to slowly get it out of his beak, and tried not to make to big of a deal of it(he left a mark).

So basically I just want to know what is the proper way to respond to his bites? So he knows that I am the dominant one
Did he bite down or just hold on? What part of the body was it, hand, finger, arm?

If I'm holding a macaw and it goes to bite, I'll drop him/her ont he floor in a heartbeat. I let them walk around a few seconds then pick them back up (Most, not all, birds hate being on the floor.)

Or i'll give my arm a little shake when they go to put their beak on me, this'll make them have to balance and they forget about the bite.

If my B&G tries to bite while holding onto my finger, I push down towards her throat so her head is forced back (not hard.) She lets go.

Just be careful, its a bird you don't know and GW's can do a LOT of damage.
Is the man able to drive, if not is there a local service that can take him and the poor sick female to the vet? I am sure that he is at a point that he cannot properly care for his birds and may not be able to realize or admit it to himself. I am glad that you are able to help him, but be sure that this is not a temporary fix for a permanent problem. If my bird holds on a little too long, I address it the same way you did by moving her beak off me, If it is an intentional bite which she hasn't done in a while, I reprimand her with a strong no and I ignore her, she often looks sheepish and comes in for a pet.
He does respond to a firm "NO", and it was on my hand. He just was holding my hand in his beak and than started to pinch my skin. It really didn't hurt that much. Just made me a bit nerves knowing what he's capable of.

And in regards to the pair I was mistaken in how bad they were, the weird breathing was her hissing at me lol(rookie mistake)and she was wet from splashing in a bowl of water before I got there. Today she looked much better but was still hissing at me. I think my mind went wild with sad thoughts.

She is a bit thin but he told me her mate has been a bully lately. I still am worried about them in the long run but it isn't as bad as I first thought

oh and here's a pic that my brother took on his phone Sam.webp
Sounds like he was tasting and testing you. When he starts pinching, tell him no and remove your hand. Like most toddlers, he just wants to see what he can get away with.
I didn't say no(which I will next time) and right now he seems to like me the least out of all the adults in my family. I don't want to bring treats for him yet so I don't reinforce his behaviour.
I just wanted to say that im completely 100% JEALOUS!! haha a GreenWing is my dream bird! good luck im sure he'll start loving you soon enough:)
Thanks, I think my main goal is going to be directing his beak at things other than my hands.

He always wants to hold on to you with his beak, but won't let you touch him anywhere else on his body.
He's a work in progress lol

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