Oh NO!!!

Yay Bella :). I'm glad she's feeling better :)
That's great news !! I'm sure you are feeling better too .
It's so hard to see our babies in pain and upset :(
All will be well now because of a quick thinking and loving parront :)
Well, the bite was EXACTLY at the beginning of the nail. No nail is left, but barely any skin was bitten off either. And I never heard of aloe vera before! You mean from the plant right? I'm not very good at this. ;)

But I think a lock that anyone can open would be good incase I'm not home and someone else is, but couldn't they get stolen that way??? Then again, a lock with a combo would be safer, but then in an emergency it wouldn't be that great... Ugh. So many pros and cons. Maybe a combo lock and a key like you said, Alisana...

And an update on Bella:
She's way better today, she even climbed up her toy with the same gusto she normaly has. Still hopping around, but a lot more movement and playing. :)

The main thing is that no birdies can open the locks , right ?
So that's what you need to concentrate on.
If someone wanted to steal them , they would either break into the cage or just take the whole thing.
Get a good bird proof lock. I'm pretty sure you can look into any of the birdie websites and find one. :)
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  • #43
Ya, you're right. I think I found a couple I liked too... :) I also just found out Bella likes corn. ;)
OMG, I missed this thread until now! I am so sorry that happened and so glad she is recovering well!
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  • #45
OMG, I missed this thread until now! I am so sorry that happened and so glad she is recovering well!
Bella says thank you. :) She is shyer to step up now, but I think that was from the fact that I had to towel her in order to clean her wound. :( I was wondering if you guys wanted see a pic of the toe? She's actually sleeping right now but I can put one up tomorrow. :) Just to, you know, see how it's cut??? BY the way, sorryvfor any typos i missed to fix, I'm on my Danny tablet. Ugh see? That was supposed to day annoying tablet. :20:
Yup, Aloe Vera is a plant :p


If you plan to use it, try and get the all natural stuff - not the one mixed with chemicals or scented additives. There is probably a vet-made/bird-safe version in a tube if you can't get a hold of the plant. Don't put too much on though, you don't want her chewing it. Get the soft, clear guey stuff on the inside, avoid the yellow sap from the outside.

As luvmytoo said - if someone wants to steal your bird, they'd either take the full cage or bring along bolt cutters =\ most of the theft stories I've read were done with bolt cutters. I would focus more on securing your property first as a deterrence than the cage. You can get window/door alarms, or use a back-to-base alarm system - we have one in our home, if the alarm goes off the company calls us and they can send the police over. Our smoke alarms are linked to it too - so if the smoke alarm goes off, fireys get there before we can.

So long as it's just the nail that was cut, and not the toe - she'll heal up OK. :)
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  • #47
Ok lol I think you can tell I'm not a vet. :p If she does clean it off, would it be bad if she ingested it? We do have window and door alarms, smoke alarm etc. So i think we're ok there. :) Well, it's just a scab now, it should heal soon i hope! :)
Oh! I forgot to mention - if you're getting it from the plant itself, make sure the aloe hasn't been watered with any liquid fertilizers!

I would recommend growing your own plant if you're interested. :) They're rather easy to look after and are bird safe - granted you don't put any fertilizers or chemicals on the plant. :p Not only is it a good plant for treating cuts, it does wonders for burns and you can use it to sooth irritated skin from feather plucking. (Soak a split leaf in a water bath and you can either mist your bird with the water, or gently bathe them in it).
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  • #49
Thanks. My neighbors have a couple of them, and they always use them for treating cuts and burns. I'll ask if i can borrow some later tomorrow. =)
The gel itself is OK - but the yellow sap can cause ingestion issues. If she eats the clear gel, she'll be fine - just ensure to keep the yellow sap away. If you rinse the open leaf under a tap, that can wash it away, otherwise split the clear gel inside away from the leaf edge.

I hear that some Ekkies actually eat the plant (most eat just the gel, but some owners give them whole leaves), but whether they have access to another plant/mineral to help stabilise the sap in their systems, I don't know. (Kind of like how macaws in the wild use clay licks when they feel unwell)
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  • #51
Lol, we posted at the same time. I'll make sure to stay away from the yellow sap. Thanks again!!
Glad your bird is doing better! :)
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  • #54
Thanks BoomBoom and Alisana.

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