Oh NO!!!

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  • #21
LOL Ya, she is, thanks for asking. :) She actually came over to me for the first time since yesterday, but everytime she hears an unexpected noise she sits up and stares like a bomb is about to go off... She's in my lap right now, actually. But I bet you soon the neighbours 'too is going to scare her right now. ;)
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  • #22
Trina, you posted while I was typing, LOL! Thanks for the warm messages, shes playing with her bell right now. I'll keep you guys posted. Thanks. =)
LOL Ya, she is, thanks for asking. :) She actually came over to me for the first time since yesterday, but everytime she hears an unexpected noise she sits up and stares like a bomb is about to go off... She's in my lap right now, actually. But I bet you soon the neighbours 'too is going to scare her right now. ;)
In your lap? The too goes off....you get a present of claw marks across your lap. LOL
ConureCrazy, same thing happened to my sun conure. She was fine in a week. I just left her with the male.

Your baby will favour the sore toe for a few days. I really don't think it's necessary to separate them, will upset them more. Just make sure the bleeding doesn't start up again.
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  • #25
LOL! Ya, she's gone now, into my room and behind the bed. Didn't hurt very bad, lol. =)
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  • #26
OMG! What's up with the same-time posts? LOL anyways, I seperated them because Zora is SUPER active. Climbing everywhere, playing with toys, etc. I couldn't lower all the perches just for Bella and leave no room for Zora to play. And besides, Zora picks at the scab. Huh, Bella, the bird with the scab, doesn't pick at it at all, but Zora, the bird that's perfectly fine, does.
Sorry this happened to your Bella. But don't fear, she will be ok. I had the same thing happen to me one time with a budgie while I was at work. He managed to knock his water tray out of the cage and decided to go visit Tootsie, my blue crown. When I came home, I found him on a perch on the side of her cage all puffed up and blood around on the wood. What really freaked me out is when I approached him, he kind of fell over and I did not see the other leg at all. The blood from the toe had dried while he had it tucked and he could not get his foot back out of his feathers. I thought Tootsie had taken his leg clean off! But he survived it though he did get a little infection but with the help of a some antibiotics it was no issue. He was a happy bird for the rest of his life though he was a little wary of Tootsie from then on.

Senegals sure can be grumpy little things towards other birds. The only time I ever saw my first Senegal aggressive was when she saw a pair of cockatiels while I was at my brother's house. She seemed like she was stalking them. I have to keep Sidney clipped cause if he is airworthy he is going to go after the blue crowns. Thankfully, both of them have realized that he is a bird with bad intent. They are not clipped so if they see him coming they get the heck out of Dodge. It is almost amusing seeing the much smaller Senegal chase off two larger birds. I've been trying to desensitize him to their presence by giving them all treats while the blue crowns are on the top of the playstand and the Senegal is on the bottom. Maybe give him a sense of eating with the flock so he won't be so aggressive in the future. He will quietly eat and keep an eye on them but as soon as he is done he starts climbing and the blue crowns scoot. Hopefully in time this will help and if I have an accidental close contact between them there won't be any damage.

Note: I was doing that feeding just as I was writing this. Rosco decided to climb down towards the bottom to snag a nut while I was typing but not watching. Sidney shot after him like a hawk and Rosco had to scramble to get away. He almost got Rosco's tail feathers. We have a long way to go. If we ever get there. And I need to be more observant. :02:
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  • #28
Aww sorry for your budgie. :( Thanks for all the helpful info. Bella really is sore. :( She has it tucked in and doesn't like to use it all that much. She goes to get food and water, sometimes chews on her new toy, but not much other than that. I can't believe this happened. I know this doesn't seem like much compared to, let's say, a fatal disease, but this is one of the first times I've had an emergency before. Sigh. It just kills me to see her leke that. :(
I know you feel bad but I would definitely keep them separated. They tend to pick at wounds just like chickens do. If one gets a bloody spot everyone wants in on the action. They do not need to be together until it is totally healed.
oh no, Poor baby,I feel so bad for you and her. Im sure she will adjust but my heart hurts for her pain. Sending her some gentle scritches and kisses
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  • #31
Yes, I am keeping them separated. It makes me feel so bad but I know why I should. Thanks all. :) Kind of a dumb question but should she be using it at all? Like, is it normal if she's not using that leg? She keeps it tucked in but when she gets around she holds it up and only uses her good leg and her beak. Maybe every three steps she puts it on the floor/perch, like 'hop, hop, step, hop hop, step.' should she be atleast using it? Or us it normal for her to not use it?
Have you checked out her toe? Is it okay? They will hold a foot up when it is sore for sure sometimes even after a nail clip. But I would watch it cause it could get infected.
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  • #33
Yes, I had her foot all checked at the vet. I even went to the local bird store to see the employee's opinions. The vet and all of them said it wasn't infected, but to keep an eye on it. I'm making sure nothing is dirty, and I wash it from time to time. =)
ConureCrazy , BREATHE :)
You have done everything right , took her to the vet had it checked out , and taken care of.
So , just keep an eye on the toe. I'm sure everything will be fine :)
But do breathe :)
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  • #35
Ok. Haha, I'm a huge worrier and overreacter. Everything will probably be ok I'm sure, but I'm the type of person that goes to different people for fifth opinions and never ignores something even if it's just a scratch. :eek: :eek: Especially with pets. Like I said before, I'm a huge safety freak, which I think is better than if I didn't care at all. :p

That's me!
Of course !!! I totally agree , me too :)
But they do need us to be there and it kinda sounded like you were about
to hyperventilate .......I would have freaked too , so I can relate :)
This is the best place to be for advice ,help ,a shoulder to cry on, a really good laugh , and to make great birdie friends !!!

As you have found out already I'm sure :)
You were extremely quick thinking and I applaud that !!!
Sometimes we get too freaked out and kinda freeze up , but you did awesome :)
You should be proud of yourself instead of worrying it was your fault !!
So , pat yourself on the back .....
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  • #37
Aw, thanks! Yes, this forum is a great place. =)
Oh, I hope it heals up OK!! If the bite wasn't too far back, it should grow back over time.

As for the cage, birds can become very good at undoing the cages themselves. Maybe looking at getting a combo lock with a key option override. (I recommend a key override because if there is an emergency like a fire, you might be too panicked to remember the combo - keep the key hanging on the wall nearby)

If you can get some aloe vera, that can help sooth the sore. With the hopping around, she'll do that for a while while it's healing - think of how we behave when we sprain our ankle.

Keep an eye on it and see how you go. :)
I think a lock that anybody can open is better then a key , unless you tape the key to the cage somewhere your bird can't reach , lol. Because if your not home and someone goes to save your bird , they may not be able to find the key. Just a thought.
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  • #40
Well, the bite was EXACTLY at the beginning of the nail. No nail is left, but barely any skin was bitten off either. And I never heard of aloe vera before! You mean from the plant right? I'm not very good at this. ;)

But I think a lock that anyone can open would be good incase I'm not home and someone else is, but couldn't they get stolen that way??? Then again, a lock with a combo would be safer, but then in an emergency it wouldn't be that great... Ugh. So many pros and cons. Maybe a combo lock and a key like you said, Alisana...

And an update on Bella:
She's way better today, she even climbed up her toy with the same gusto she normaly has. Still hopping around, but a lot more movement and playing. :)

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