Oh NO!!!


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Senegal: Oliver ~~
Yellow-Sided GCC's: Bella and Zora ~~
R.I.P Tweeters the Cockatiel<3
:eek: OH NO!!! I woke up this morning, went into the living room where the fids are, and Bella is out of her cage!!! HOW? I'm not sure. I started freaking out over how she might have gotten out, then I picked her up off her stand (which she was on at the time) and I see blood!!! :11::11::11:
I start freaking out checking everywhere, and find she's missing a toenail! It's bleeding, so I run into the pantry, grab corn starch, and pretty much throw it all over her foot. It stops bleeding after a little. I inspect it closer, and it seems to just have come clean off, nothing hanging off or anything. I walk to the kitchen to see if I can clean it, then Oliver starts growling as I walk by with Bella.
I glance over at him for a second, them I see more blood. On the side of Oliver's cage. Which pretty much means one thing - Oliver bit it off. :11: Bella must of climbed up Oliver's cage and Oliver got to her. I clean it, then put more corn starch on it. I call the vet and run over there. The vet says the toenail will probably never grow back, and that Bella will be fine and adjust without it (She also said she has a hahns with only 1 toe).
I put her in a seperate tinier cage with all the perches down low, food and water on the floor, and pad the bottom with cotton towels. It has stopped bleeding, but it is very sore and now my poor girl is barely putting any pressure on it. :(
She's eating and drinking fine, but I feel so bad for my girlies. :( They're constantly trying to get to each other, but I'm scared Zora would pick at it, which she was doing for a bit.
The thing that is slowly killing me is that what if it's my fault?! What if I didn't close it good enough?! I can't help but blame myself because what if I did forget to lock the cage and it was all my fault?!?! :(:(:(
Poor Bella, she seems so lonely... Is there anything else I should do? I'm going to get a second lock for the cage in case they did manage to escape by themselves... Any tip would be very appreciated.
Oh gosh, I'm so sorry that happened, I hope she feels better soon.
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Thanks. :) By the way, does anyone know how long it will be until I get to reunite Bella with Zora?
Please don't blame yourself. YOU sound like a responsible parront, and sometimes things just happen just like they do with our children. They get hurt regardless of how we try to protect them. It will probably make you become obsessive about double checking their cages at night. LOL
I know the poor little thing is in pain but I am sure she will be fine. We all have our moments when we forget something and of course there is the possibility Bella opened it by herself.
Chin up....it will get better. I know it must hurt you terribly.
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Thank you Dish. Ya, I'll probably be triple checking everything before going to bed now, just in case. =)
My daughter has a tag that is missing a toenail. He does fine.
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Ok, that's good. I just overreact at every little thing, you know? Like "What if they can hurt themselves on this?" Or "Cant they get their toe stuck in that?" I'm pretty much a safety freak. I got her a get well toy. :) I've been looking for a wicker toy for a pretty lobg time, finally found one at a local family bird store. Every peice is made of wicker except for the bell at the bottom, which is her second-favorite thing. ;)
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Woah. That did not work. ;) I posted the wrong photo side ways. Well, you get the idea.
I hope Bella will feel better soon. I'm sure you are huring more than she is - it sounds like it. Guilt is worse than physical pain. Let it go. It was an accident and Bella knows you love her. It sounds like you surely do have a dilemma there with safety vs. freedom. I wonder if there is a place with videos to train a dog (I am just assuming Oliver is a dog) to play nice with a bird. I've read about lots of people that have them together - but i know they all have different temperments.

Bella will be fine and won't even know after a while that she's one toe short.
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Whoops, I guess it did sound like Oliver was a dog. Haha, no, he's a senegal. ;) I got to word my stories better.
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Sorry SunnyGirl, you posted while I was typing. Didn't see that. :)
^^ no problem, happens to me all the time... well I hope your girls will be together soon... but I would keep them away from Oliver for a while, I hope he will calm down and won't growl at her anymore.... wish you luck
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I never let them with him in the first place, I think if he was out of his cage he could have done way more damage... But I don't even want to think about it. He's very aggressive today, but could just be one of his moods. Honestly, he doesn't really like anything that isn't a man, like my dad. When he comes over and sees Oliver, it's like he's a different bird. Just a complete cuddle bug. Well, we're getting there. ;)
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Ya, he is. =)
Looks like we were all typing at the same time.
awww Get well Bella,and for you ConureCrazy, your a good parrotmama things happen, its not your fault. I hope your baby gets to feeling better soon

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