Not being successful in training the Birds to Not Poop

Birdie potty trained herself too...that is, she never poops on us. She usually flies to the kitchen sink faucet is she's in the vicinity. Bathroom sinks same thing. She never poops in her cage, but is only confined there at night. She flies to the kitchen sink when I let her out in the morning. The screened-in porch, however is fair game. I love ❤️ my Birdie!
Same here - I never really pottytrained my birds (because of the unwanted behaviour it might cause like holding it in too long or forcing themselves to poo because it's the only way to get let out of the cage) but IF (and when) I get pooped on I let them know it is *not* appreciated.
"vuile poepert" (you dirty defecator)

So they more or less train themselves ;)

(the 2 I have now as well as my 2 previous CAGs)

Of course I look out for the signs - Appie will do the traditional buttshake (being not too comfortable with flying yet) and some flapping, Japie will (most of the time) just take off from my shoulder and decorate the PCmonitor or the (floor around) cages.

Fun fact: if you have your bird on you it is SO easy to notice
Their feet will grow warmer when they need to go ( well before actually pooping)
it is really hard to miss once you start looking for it.

Of course I get pooped on because I get distracted, or because my birds are making a statement.
Both the CAG's let me know they did NOT appreciate having another bird around by completely "forgetting" they did not usually poop on me.
Things are getting more settled now- and the warnings etc. are back, the macaw is copying whatever they do and is now telling me to put her on her stand when it is time to "go".

So yes ...the birds are once again doing great in training their keeper ;)
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I think its funny how Skittles will NOT poop on me. I was actually cuddling with him in bed for like two hours the other day and he didn't go to the bathroom once, then when we came back out into the living room, he let out a huge dump (like the morning ones). I've had him for over 7 years and he has not pooped on me ONCE. I've seen him fly off, poop, and then come back to my shoulder. I think its adorable when he does this. But I didn't teach him it, the pet store did. The clerk there loved to take him out and around the store with her and she potty trained him cause she didn't want to get pooped on. They didn't tell me at the pet store about him being potty trained nor did they tell me about the 'kissy noises' he makes. I only found out cause I called the pet store out of curiosity and thats how I found out.

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