I was seriously sitting here reading and then it hit me... "OH! They want ME to take a screenshot!!" :52: Today isn't exactly my brightest day.
SO now I've taken a crash course on how to screenshot, find the screenshot, and edit it.. (With my wonderful Paint skills.)
This is what I see when viewing a thread, where the "quick reply" text box would be. (Notice, there is no arrow in the upper left hand side of that bar. Unless I'm not seeing it, in which, I would be very embarrassed.)
And this is what I see when viewing a PM.(Note my crudely drawn arrow indicating there IS an arrow on that one! However it is not clicked.)
Yup, that looks odd.... and that's how I was trying to make mine appear!
Here's another image... I've noticed that you have two arrows in the box, next to the A. Try clicking on the lower arrow. (hope it comes out clearly in my image!)
The other option is to go here.... http://www.parrotforums.com/profile.php?do=editoptions and scroll down to the very bottom of the page where it says Miscellaneous Options. Try changing the Message Editor Interface. I use the Enhanced one but you may need to try different ones, then saving it and then going back to the thread. If it looks the same, try refreshing the page.
Thank you Monica!!
That last one did it.
It works on Basic and Standard, but not Enhanced- for whatever reason.
Point is it WORKS! Oh, technology.. I thought you were supposed to make life EASIER?!
Thanks so much for all the help. Ya'll rock.