Hi All! I have just discovered a problem that just started 2-3 days ago with my little guy. He is not pooping in his cage. I thought it was strange the last few days I noticed that he wouldn't do his morning poop in his cage. I even left him in there until 11am and as soon as he was let out he went. Then today I left him for a few hours and when I came home I noticed he hadn't pooped in his cage the whole time I was gone. When I took him out of his cage he pooped the biggest poop and it looked like he was straining to do it. What do I do? I want to be able to leave him for a few hours or an afternoon here and there and not worry that he is going to hold his poop and then get sick. College is starting up this week and I will be gone for 3-5 hours three days a week. Any suggestions?