Nike's version of playing.

Bill??...the "head thing"? They can raise and lower it,like a 'too or 'tiel can do with their "hat"?

Bill??...the "head thing"? They can raise and lower it,like a 'too or 'tiel can do with their "hat"?
Yep, here's a video of a young hawkhead Monty. See Terry, they can play.

Nike will occasionally get like this when she get's her toy aggression face on.

[ame=""]Monty is a Hawk-Headed Parrot - YouTube[/ame]
WOW!!!! That is sooo COOL!!! Monty sure can play!!! When his "hat" is up,it looks real intimidating. I bet'cha other birdies can be scared ****less seeing one of them lol.
So..IS Monty,and Nike,and Darwin considered an Amazon,or not? I saw that 'Boats (Steven) posted something about that earlier.
Truly a very handsome/beautiful matter the classification.
Thanks for posting,Bill :)

Bill, that's amazing! I so wish Dar would do that. I have a question...when Nike laughs, does she sound like the three stooges? Darwin laughs like "nyuk nyuk nyuk", it's hysterical.

Jim, here is what the World parrot trust says about them, I was shocked to see they are also called Hawkheaded Caiques..
I have found when doing some reading that they say that they are the only member of their genus Deroptyus, with 2 sub-species.
Bill, that's amazing! I so wish Dar would do that. I have a question...when Nike laughs, does she sound like the three stooges? Darwin laughs like "nyuk nyuk nyuk", it's hysterical.

Jim, here is what the World parrot trust says about them, I was shocked to see they are also called Hawkheaded Caiques..
I have found when doing some reading that they say that they are the only member of their genus Deroptyus, with 2 sub-species.

Thank you Terry for the I said earlier..a gorgeous Parrot..God sure did make some beautiful creatures didn't He?? :01:

Jim, he most certainly did:) I think there is amazing beauty in every species!
Jim, they are classified Amazona only if you're drinking rum. If you're sober then they are Deroptyus accipitrinus or the Brazilian variant Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons :)

Here's a pic of the Brazilian variant which has a darker head and more red/less blue in their bellies......I would love one.

As compared with Nike
I have a question...when Nike laughs, does she sound like the three stooges? Darwin laughs like "nyuk nyuk nyuk", it's hysterical.
Yep, and she's infectious. When we take her camping or go the the CAV, if someone laughs once she replies with a laugh, which causes the person to laugh again and so on. This latest visit to the Vet she had all the women behind the counter laughing uncontrollably and she was having a blast.
That is Darwin to a T! You can't help but laugh with her, and that really gets her going.
Because of her fear of phones, we can't get it on video, I would love it if you could sneak and get Nike laughing recorded.
I had just tried and no go, I'll keep at it.

Interestingly, while searching for the pic of the subspecies I came across this.


When I brought Nike home she had a light colored eye ring. ...see her pic above. Within a year her eye ring turned dark grey. According to the illustrations above, that's a sign of a young bird.....I wonder if Nike isn't as old as I thought....wish I knew an expert on them.
That is so interesting! Your post made me look closer at Darwin compared to Nike, and unless the camera is changing colours Dar looks to have a darker eye ring. I have a friend with a Hawkhead, I'm going to ask her about that.
He is so beautiful!! :heart:
Terry, in the pic a few posts up and in my signature Nike's eye ring is light. That pic was taken a month or two after we got her. The pic below was taken last month, look at her eye, it's dark. When it changed it was like night and day (pun intended) I had recently put a full spectrum light over her cage and though that might have had something to do with it but now.....
So I just spoke with my friend, and her HH is 10. She has had him since he was 5 months old, and his ring around his eyes has always been light. Not sure if this means anything, but since Darwin's age is sure, and her eye ring is dark, possibly.
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Interesting, I guess I'll have to hang around until her's turns dark so I'll know ;)
Sounds good to me, you better stick around, I need my Nike fix!
WOW Bill!! The blue variant is...geez I am speechless :eek: Magnificent comes to mind? If Nike or Darwin's laugh is anything like Al's Salty Boy...I WANNA HEAR IT!! :D

Jim, they are classified Amazona only if you're drinking rum. If you're sober then they are Deroptyus accipitrinus or the Brazilian variant Deroptyus accipitrinus fuscifrons :)

Here's a pic of the Brazilian variant which has a darker head and more red/less blue in their bellies......I would love one.

As compared with Nike

Drinking rum....hmmmm...I think I recall our resident "Amazon Snob" mentioning something about that! :rolleyes: lol. Whatever they are classified,they are wonderful. Bill? where do they originate from?Are they available in the States? Considered "rare" here,if so??

How about a baby Hawk Head

Oh my gosh, if that baby isn't one of the cutest things I have ever seen! Thank you!

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