Nike's version of playing.

This thread is gold guys - I'd never heard of Hawk head parrots before I joined here and they are incredible creatures!

It's funny a few posts back you mentioned Nike preening helps you relax... I can't relax watching Remi preen - she's so aggressive! Flings her wings up and grumbles obscenities while she runs her beak over her feathers. I always wonder what her poor feathers did wrong to warrant such a talking-to!

I also vote for a Hawk head sub-forum if only to get more doses of hawk head pictures!
Oh my gosh, if that baby isn't one of the cutest things I have ever seen! Thank you!

Holy cow lol...just look at those feetsies...almost as big as the birdie!

I found an old video with a little bit of laughing. She seems to know when we're faking it and doesn't respond. I'll try tomorrow to get something more substantial.

Laugh at about 33 seconds into it.

[ame=""]nikelaugh - YouTube[/ame]
Her voice is so different from Darwin's! I need to figure out how to get a video uploaded from my hubby's phone.
Figured it out! Here is Darwin's voice. (The How are you in the background is Charley, the too)
I also just realized that Darwin's eye rings look dark in certain light, and light in other light. I never noticed that before!
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Nike's "how ya doing?" sounds very close to how a Ring Neck sounds to me..and Darwin sounds like an Amazon ( a low grumble)...interesting :)

Nike's vioce is often loud...especially when she's talking into my ear, but when she is chilled her voice sounds more like Darwin's. I'd prefer Darwin's voice ;)
Nike's "how ya doing?" sounds very close to how a Ring Neck sounds to me..and Darwin sounds like an Amazon ( a low grumble)...interesting :)


Darwin has a rather high pitched voice, I wonder if you are hearing my husband? lol
I listened to it closer, Darwin's voice to my ears is similar to Nike, he's just not screaming like Nike tends to do.
Dar doesn't speak as clearly as Nike, either.
This one's for you Terry. Poor quality video but some playing.

[ame=""]nike playing2 - YouTube[/ame]
Hawkheads are soooo spectacularly beautiful. That crown is so striking - I love how they gesticulate! I had no idea there was a Brazilian variation, interesting stuff.
In the next few months I can join the HH chat lol

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New baby picture!

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New baby picture!

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Beautiful, what breeder did you get it from?

Great birds!

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