Nike Picture thread

Love her use of her tail feathers to trap air under her to assure a precise and controlled landing. Parrots in flight, so much to see and learn! Way to go Nike!!
Love that lamp with the built in perch.
Love that lamp with the built in perch.
Thanks, easy to make. Make the T-perch from dowels and drill a hole to insert the cap/nut from the lampshade and glue it in. Then make a plate to catch the droppings from whatever you have around., The first one I made which is on another lamp I bought a plastic plate off Amazon, used a hole saw to make the 1 inch-is hile in the middle, and then sit it on the lamp shade, insert the perch through the hole and screw on the lampshade.

The one she's landed on in the video is a white, $1. 99, 5 gal pail lid from Tractor Supply.

So she has two of those perches in the living room cuz I was tired of her flying to the lamp shades and pooping down the sides ;)

When she eats, she typically takes food from her cage top dish and flies to one of the lamps to eat her food, then back for a second to the cage to grab something else. She might do that 8 or 10 times while eating.

Here's the original thread.
An excited Nike



And enjoying a spot by the front window. My wife has decided that Nike can no longer perch here...apparently she doesn't like the poop on her plants ;) Hence she now has a traveler stand that we can move around.



Nike can do with her feathers how I feel a lot of the time.

What a fabulous bird!
Love her use of her tail feathers to trap air under her to assure a precise and controlled landing. Parrots in flight, so much to see and learn! Way to go Nike!!
There are three large tail feathers at the bottom of her cage. I haven't yet checked to see if they've been replaced.... Vid looks like at least one hasn't
May she push Tail Feathers quickly!!

My dear Julio is a B-1 Bomber and has no tail feathers. As a result he comes in low, fast and raises rapidly while dumping speed. It works, but wandering into a flight path can be dangerous. At least he Contact Calls!
Nike taking a bath in bad light... sorry for the quality.
Splish splash, Nike's takin' a bath - reckon there'd be quite the "splash zone" around her too! And I love the happy noises she makes, she sounds a lot like my princess parrot when she gets her shower 💝
The World is right again!! It is always amazing how much a bit of Nike bring everything into alignment again!

Thanks Good Friend!!
It's been a while since she's been on her travel stand in the front door getting fresh air and sun and she immediately decided to take a bath. I captured a long video for my archives and figured I'd post it here but also a sort 90 second clip for the end of the bath for those less interested in watching my love take a bath for 5 minutes ;)
Long video 9/27/24

Short video


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