Nico’s Thread 😊

Nico has been doing excellent. I haven’t seen him feather pluck at all to any extent since I adopted my macaw. He actually seems to be doing better. He’s trying new foods that I couldn’t get him to try before. I was extremely worried about Nico with his emotional sensitivities. He shares a room with my macaw. I am hoping this isn’t the quiet before a huge storm.

I was gone for the entire day last Friday. I maybe spent an hour with Nico if that. Usually I’d get home, and cry because he would rip out so many feathers. I always feel terrible for leaving him. There was no feathers plucked, and it didn’t seem to faze him that I was gone.
Nico has been doing excellent. I haven’t seen him feather pluck at all to any extent since I adopted my macaw. He actually seems to be doing better. He’s trying new foods that I couldn’t get him to try before. I was extremely worried about Nico with his emotional sensitivities. He shares a room with my macaw. I am hoping this isn’t the quiet before a huge storm.

I was gone for the entire day last Friday. I maybe spent an hour with Nico if that. Usually I’d get home, and cry because he would rip out so many feathers. I always feel terrible for leaving him. There was no feathers plucked, and it didn’t seem to faze him that I was gone.

That's amazing news! I'm so happy for you and Nico! 🥰

Nico has a tail again ❤️❤️ it’s been barbered but he actually has a tail. I’ll take the win in the situation. He has red & blue feathers on his wings. When I adopted him he didn’t have these feathers so I didn’t even know Ekkie’s had these colors. Nico was adopted fairly quickly, and unexpected so I didn’t get a lot of time to research on Ekkie’s.

Nico is currently upset, and frustrated with me. I’m making it difficult for him to mate with me. I’m trying to encourage a more parront to Ekkie relationship. I’ve gotten him to forge more lately. I wonder if him watching my macaw forage if that’s what’s also been encouraging the behavior. Nico’s actually playing with toys too.
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Nico has a tail again ❤️❤️ it’s been barbered but he actually has a tail. I’ll take the win in the situation. He has red & blue feathers on his wings. When I adopted him he didn’t have these feathers so I didn’t even know Ekkie’s had these colors. Nico was adopted fairly quickly, and unexpected so I didn’t get a lot of time to research on Ekkie’s.

Nico is currently upset, and frustrated with me. I’m making it difficult for him to mate with me. I’m trying to encourage a more parront to Ekkie relationship. I’ve gotten him to forge more lately. I wonder if him watching my macaw forage if that’s what’s also been encouraging the behavior. Nico’s actually playing with toys too.
Good birdy, Nico! Those pretty tail feathers were made for shakin', not breakin'!!
I sent Nico to parrot boarding while I was on vacation. I got updated reports daily. He seemed to eat, drink, and do just fine without me :-( he barbered his tail feathers a little but it was nothing in comparison to what he used to do. He did step up for one of his caretakers. I at least know I can leave him now, and he will be okay for a few days.

My macaw was a different story. He gave them all the wings, pinned his eyes, and decided he was going to be a big grumpy bird because he can be.

Nico wanted to show off the corn beak ❤️

He is molting right now. He is so sensitive, and just doesn’t do well with molting. I wish I spoke parrot to see what is upsetting him.
Nico has been going through some changes. Last night was the first night that I left off his collar for feather plucking. He has it off during the day but at night when he was by himself he self mutilated. It was the only way I could calm it down. He only plucked his white down feathers. Quite a few of them. I’m just relived it was only them.

When I adopted my last parrot the shelter had tree branches in all of the cages at the shelter. I thought it worked out a lot better than the ones I buy in stores, and it cuts some costs. Nico’s claws have gotten so powerful. It now hurts when he clamps onto me because I want to set him down. He always wants to be with me. His nails are so sharp!!!!! They are mini knives. I don’t have to trim his nails for being long anymore. I have to take off only the very ends because they are so sharp.

He seems to of gained some strength with his claws. I originally got him a smaller, narrower cage because he has a broken wing, and he fell off his perch when I first got him a few times. I wasn’t sure if it was a balance thing, night terrors, or whatever the cause could be. I’m now considering getting him a larger cage. I just didn’t want him to get hurt.
My budgies' nails get very sharp and get caught in fabrics if it don't ha e the vet trim them a couple times a year. I can imagine a larger parrot nails can break the skin.
My vet always comments about Gracie's nails. I ask him if he thinks they are over grown and the answer is always "no they look great but are extremely sharp". I leave them alone because she is older and has arthritis. I figure this helps her maintain her perch with less effort. And she only digs them in when she is scared. Like at the vets.

He just has a bunch of these little white feathers in the morning. I didn’t find his beautiful tail feathers chopped, scissored, and ripped out with little blood spots. Once he bleeds he won’t leave it alone either. I’m hoping he’s done with feather destruction. This is his second night with no collar.
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He just has a bunch of these little white feathers in the morning. I didn’t find his beautiful tail feathers chopped, scissored, and ripped out with little blood spots. Once he bleeds he won’t leave it alone either. I’m hoping he’s done with feather destruction. This is his second night with no collar.

I've got my fingers crossed for him!! 🤞🤞🤞
Good luck. Seeing feathers in bottom of cage is one of my fears. Molt? Feather pluck? Stress? and so much more. Have read articles about success with light therapy for excessive egg laying, stress feather loss and plucking. This maybe something that you can look into.

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