New to birds, suggestions?


New member
Oct 26, 2024
N/a; im joining because im looking to own one!
Ive aalways wanted birds and now im 26 and in a place i can finally have one and take care of one well, but looking into the different types has been...overwhelming yo say the least.

I wantwd an african grey parrot at first, jve decided against that due to size requirements and ive narrowed it down a bit but would like some recommendations

I was looking at the conures and parakeets, theyre smaller and seem be better for my "apartment" (i live in gmas basement, but slowly working on it and its quiet homely and good amount kf space, but generally around the size of a small 2 bedroom apartment)

But i also have a pet cat, i have land and plan to maje an outside area for the bird to fly freely without being at risk of attack from predators too at some point; just really need a little guidance- dont want it to be too quiet as a pet but also dont want it to be too talkative, dont want it to be too aggressive or wary of new people but j also dont want it to be bothering every person that comes into my house; wouldnt necessarily want it to be cage bound either due to cat. Help???
Good for you, for planning, reaching out, and researching, TOTALLY UNLIKE WHAT I DID 40 years ago WHEN I WALKED INTO A BIRD STORE AND BUGHT A PATAGONIAN ON TOTAL IMPULSE!!! Anyway, my advice... keep doing what you're doing. I'm glad you're here. This is the smartest, friendliest site online for education and support. I would say read, read, READ, take your time. Stick with us.
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Good for you, for planning, reaching out, and researching, TOTALLY UNLIKE WHAT I DID 40 years ago WHEN I WALKED INTO A BIRD STORE AND BUGHT A PATAGONIAN ON TOTAL IMPULSE!!! Anyway, my advice... keep doing what you're doing. I'm glad you're here. This is the smartest, friendliest site online for education and support. I would say read, read, READ, take your time. Stick with us.
Haha well thanks! I love animals and have had many pets in the past growing up, but birds were a no-go to my parents due to noise so ive always been interested in them but unable to actually get one im so excited!

Buttt i also know a lot of people get birds ans have horror stories due to variety of factors and if i get a bird i want to be able to take care of it its entire life; and on the off chance i die or somwthing happens to me before then i want to make sure whoever takes care of it then doesnt have a atressed bird wirh bad habits and stuff;

And i have narrowed down to pionus parrot and some type of conure i think, issue is i can get conures super easily but ginding a pionus parrot near me has beeb difficult and i cant shell out 5k$ for a parrot at that point id just buy 8 conures and a giant cage xD

I know a "quiet" bird doesnt exist but my main issue is if im at work or something i dont want my gma to get annoyed or me trying yo sleep and constantly being yelled at by a bird in the living room- thats mainly my biggest concern with getting a bird mainly due to me having sensory issues some times and house mates to keep in mind
Conures can be quite load with the flock calls. Take a look at Quaker and or Cockatiels. Both are a lot quieter.
Conures are jungle parrots, and when separated from the flock they call out. This call can be heard for several kilometers in the wild. So in a house it can be quite load.
They are beautiful and great birds, but come with a price. The flock calls.

I have a pionus, a conure, and a cockatiel. The cockatiels are shrill-voiced and use it often, but it's not as loud as my conure, who's loud. Then there's my Pionus, Vortex, who will have a high-pitched squeal/contact call but doesn't do it often. :)

Out of the conures, I'd look at Green Cheeks if you're worried about noise, or a peach front conure. Yeah.. and finding a pionus is a challenge. It took me 3 years to find a breeder here in Canada and the breeder raised her prices in that time.

Good luck in yer search! :D

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