New Scorpions Described: 1 near Tuscon, Another in the Andes


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Jan 28, 2012
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Hi All,

Approximately 2,000 scorpion species have been described, but most arachnologists believe that many more await discovery. Few, however, expected an unknown species to turn up within sight of a major city in the USA. But that is what happened earlier this year, and the discovery was unusual for other reasons as well. Another noteworthy new scorpion species surfaced in the Ecuadorean Andes, a little-studied region long suspected of being a diversity hotspot for scorpions. New Arachnids of all kinds are regularly discovered…please post our own news items and thoughts at the end of this article. Read the rest of this article here: Scorpions Surprise Biologists - New Scorpion Species near Tucson and In the AndesThat Reptile Blog

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Thanks, Frank
Interesting post as always Frank!!!!

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