Is a Tarantula the Right Pet for You? 5 Critical Points to Consider


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Jan 28, 2012
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Among the world’s 900+ tarantula species (family Theraphosidae) we find a staggering diversity of sizes, colors, and lifestyles, and many that make interesting, long-lived pets. Having been involved with spider care in zoos and private collections from an early age (and at a time when only 1-2 tarantula species were readily available in the USA!), I’m pleased and somewhat astonished to see the explosion of interest here and abroad. Several species that were undescribed a few short years ago are being regularly bred by private keepers – usually to a far greater extent than is seen in zoos. However, as tarantulas become more “mainstream”, they are sometimes purchased by folks who may not have a good sense of their true natures. Unrealistic expectations will dampen the experience of both pet and pet keeper. Following are 5 critical points that the prospective tarantula owner should consider. [FONT=&quot]R[/FONT]ead the rest of this article here Tarantulas: Are They The Right Pet for You? | That Reptile Blog
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My Bio, with photos of animals I’ve been lucky enough to work with at the Bronx Zoo & in the field: That Pet Place Welcomes Frank Indiviglio | That Reptile Blog

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