New Red Bellies


New member
Sep 25, 2013
Oak Lawn,IL
I just adapted a pair of red bellied parrots yesterday. Their names are Edward and Bella and they are brother and sister and are a little over a year and a half. Obviously when I got them home they were very shy and nervous. I let them be so they could just take it all in. This morning (7:30) I woke up to them squawking. I went and sat in their room with them and observed both of them dozing off. Theyre eyes were closing while they were standing on the perch like they were tired. At first I thought they might be sick/stressed but then Bella put her head between her wing like she was sleeping and Edward did the same on one foot. Am I right in assuming they are just tired and stressed from the move and new location? Right now (8:30) they are just relaxing and whistling at me and Edward has eaten some food and Bella drank some water. I dont know how well they slept last night cuz I could hear them moving around every once in a while. Tonight I might try covering them.
welcome to forum and congrats on your new babies, and pics we love pics and up dates!!!

i cover mine at night, and she snoozes alot throughout the day some days and others she's flying all over??

vet check if you haven't already
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I haven't taken them to a vet yet I wanted them to just relax a little before I stress them out again with thr vet. I need to find a good bird vet on the south side of chicago too!
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I want to take them to the vet but they both are terrified of me and I don't knoe how to get them in the carrier...any advice?
Towel them.
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I feel like that would scare them to death and they will not trust me for sure theb. I've very concerned with them having trust issues and be afraid since I am the second owner. He already bit me once in the pet store and I'd like to avoid that is possible lol but I just want them to feel at home.
Give them some time. Then if you can get them in the cage the vet will get them out. Make them the bad guy. lol
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Lol alright I made an appointment for them on tuesday hopefully they will get a little more adjusted before then. They are cuties tho whistling and swinging upside down in their cage. They seem happy just kinda shy still. From what everyone says here it seems normal and just takes time.
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They have been getting much more used to the area. They take treats from my hand and don't run away either. They both whistle/chirp/scream alot and call for the dog even! :rolleyes: They have been playing with their toysalso. However, Edward is still very much into biting! At the pet store he bit me but I understand that its part of owning parrots. Is there any good way to get him to stop? If I put my fingers between the bars he goes in for a bite and if I try to get him to step up he also goes for a bite. I know its not just "beaking" me!
They have been getting much more used to the area. They take treats from my hand and don't run away either. They both whistle/chirp/scream alot and call for the dog even! :rolleyes: They have been playing with their toysalso. However, Edward is still very much into biting! At the pet store he bit me but I understand that its part of owning parrots. Is there any good way to get him to stop? If I put my fingers between the bars he goes in for a bite and if I try to get him to step up he also goes for a bite. I know its not just "beaking" me!

Dont put your fingers in between the bars... Problem solved. :)
yeah i second the no fingers in cage, mine would happily remove my digits or limb if i put my fingers/hand into HER cage, even if she is not in it, she will fly over to let me know i am intruding!!

so for now, just stay out of his space and continue with treats lol
If you respect his space and watch his body language, then you are working on not getting bit. Don't ever force him until you have gained his trust, otherwise he will never trust you. Look up some articles on flooding , read about it. It took me more than 6 weeks for Rio to trust me. Now I can handler her in many different situations. And while I can put my hand inside her cage to get her to step up (if she wants to come out, which she always does, she has to step up) I would get bit if I put my fingers through her cage bars, so I know that therefore I don't do it. She does not trust my husband or my daughter. But they can handle her a little when I am not home. My Avatar is a picture of my daughter handling Rio when I am not home :)

So don't despair, it will just take time. Make sure you work with them everyday preferably when they are hungry. And remember you have two of them and one may take to you easier then the other. But they a individuals, to don't forget that. What you might be able to do with one, you may not be able with the other. I hope they are cages separately, therefore they bond easier and want to bond with you. But I could be wrong about that.
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They are together since they sre brother and sister and like to be by eachother and play. I have been giving them space but I made the mistake of letting them out and not being able to get them back in without terrifing them. But they are making progress...they play and love to chat when I'm around. I can also can put my hand in the cage and they just continue eating or whatever they were doing. I know they need time out of the cage but how do I do that without totally freaking them out trying to get them back in? Can I towel them or does that scare them a lot also?
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Wow...I now feel stupid for just not reading lol...however, since I have two in the cage I'm gonna try to train them together. Let's hope for the best some Bella seems to follow Edward!
Wow...I now feel stupid for just not reading lol...however, since I have two in the cage I'm gonna try to train them together. Let's hope for the best some Bella seems to follow Edward!

There is so much good information out there, I read everyday. And I come here, everyday. I had a Myers Parrot years ago and ended up rehoming her because she started biting me. I had her since she was a baby, even weaned her. I know that I didn't put enough effort in to learning as much as I could about the Poi family of parrots. Now that I have Rio, I do not want to make the same mistakes.
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Well I took them to the vet today. Besides some over preening on Bella they both checked out great. Also got their leg bands removed! The doctor said to keep an eye on the preening for a month and see if it improves if not come back. Thank you for all the help....they are getting more used to use but still not a fan of my finger haha :rainbow1:

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