Budgie ate toy?

They gave me two syringes. Maybe I'll load one as a back up. Anddd my HVAC just went out. Not a good night for it. Now I have to figure out how to keep a sick Ollie warm.
Maybe a heating pad in a his cage that he can get close to or not as needed? You could hang it on the outside of the cage so no chewing?
I hope you have a bird safe space heater. A blanket covering the sides and back of his cage will help trap heat as the temperature drops in the room drops. I've got my fingers crossed that your heat will go back on soon!
He has a heating "pad"- it's for a bunny. I think it would hang on the side. I could also put him in the bathroom with a space heater. Not sure what makes it bird safe. It would be blowing hot air.
If that heater has been used a good deal and you crack the door it will probably be okay.
Being the paranoid personality I am I would sit with him for a long time and look for stress.
Thank you! He's set up. It says it's 86 deg to 104. He can get as close as he wants. The other side gets hotter but it might be too much.
When a bird is sick extra heat helps them recover without having to expend much needed energy staying warm. He will go to the most comfortable place in his cage. You got this!
When a bird is sick extra heat helps them recover without having to expend much needed energy staying warm. He will go to the most comfortable place in his cage. You got this!
That is what a regular bird brooder does it has a hot and cool side and the bird or chicks regulate their temp by where they are in the brooder.
This doesn't always work best with parrot chicks as the babies aren't as mobile as game or chicken species. But for mobile juveniles or adult parrots will be ideal
My baby budgies, newly hatched (and all parrots) required much more regulated temperature control than that. Naked and helpless, I kept them at about 96F for the first few days and dropped it a couple degrees every few days until they were in mid 80s at three weeks old and covered with down and pin feathers. Baby chickens can move around but baby parrots can't.
Attempt one was not great. Poor little guy. He's quite pink. I hope it didn't get in his cere. He sneezed a lot right after I did it. He's preening though and did eat some millet for a treat...if I had a car I would take him back in. :confused:
The vet makes it look so easy! I think it's all in the grip. They hold the birds tighter than most people feel comfortable doing.
I didn't get the vice grip on his head right. I was afraid of hurting his eyes; he was moving his head so much. I think he might have gotten half?
You won't hurt his eyes with the grip. He will shut them before letting you stick your fingers in them. Try to wipe off the pink stuff. Have a wet wipe ready at hand.
Hopefully tomorrow will go better. Maybe I could put the syringe a little further into his beak? Or is that a bad idea? The vet swabbed his crop with a gigantic q-tip much bigger than the syringe. He just got new safe toys and I want him to feel better so he can play with them. Poor little buddy is napping.
You should be able to put the syringe tip inside his beak from the side if you hold his head between you thumb and index finger.
Ollie is very quiet and slept most of the day, but I had the lights low so he could rest. I hand fed him veggies and brought his water to him to make sure he drank. He did eat his seeds and millet when I brought it to him. He seems to be sneezing a little bit less but is very, very lethargic. He really only wakes up when I bother him. I know I am probably being paranoid, but he seems worse. Maybe it was just because it was so dark and quiet today.

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