She is GORGEOUS! Wow! I can't say I'm jealous, got my hands full already, but sure am HAPPY!!, for you!! I'm wondering how you transport her? Do you have a specially made travel cage? With them being so long, (with that tail), I'm curious...
She sounds like a love. How is Yoshi doing with all this?
My Yoshi Boy is doing fine
Thank you for asking
He gets more attention then before I think because i feel bad , lolol.
And I think he is smart enough to play that card for a long , long time , lol.
My husband told me the other day that Yoshi and I are attached at the hip
He laughs because whenever I take Yoshi out he has to slink under my neck and do all his kissing and stuff first , then he's ready for anything.
You know how a cat likes to rub its head , neck and back under your neck ?
Well , picture a Goffin doing the same thing , lolol.
Rosie is now flying well enough to go on short excursions from the cage.
She does a small 180 and makes it back to the cage fine
That is a HUGE accomplishment since she had no feathers when i brought her home !
She is a shredder and a plucker , but now with all the attention and loving she gets , she so far has stopped both bad habits
Im very proud of Rosie.
I think she watched Yoshi for long enough and finally got the courage up to try flying again. The poor thing was so scared of falling , she didn't want to be picked up at all. I used to just let her be and she gained trust in us .
Anyway , I have worked out a nice schedule so i get all my chores done , have time for the goats , they need brushing and attention too
Then of course the collies , they need work and training. Once that is done , I usually have lessons , depending on them , Im done for the day.
Then its bird time
But I did forget to mention that the birds come out for breakfast and their normal "greet the day" routine , lol.
Stella , for now , has been fairly quiet , unless she hears me calling for one of the dogs , she chimes in as well. I swear her first word will be Fiona , the dog I always have to call for a few times :roll eyes:
Well , thats my life
My animals
I couldn't think of a better place to be