new parrot owner 2

well now no more sunflower seeds in his bowl, he's eating other seeds such as corn and some other seeds in the mix like wheat... What i did was I heated them a bit and at each time I put 2 or 3 seeds of sunflower just for him to get down to eat or else he wouldn't even get down :) what next?

btw I already contacted a vet more than once and at each time I have a problem, but I like taking more than one opinion especially after the vet told me starve I said maybe there is another better way. between adding up to mikey, a vet killed one of my german shepherds after giving him a dose of antibiotics, since then I know u should always question them, and ask them of each thing they're doing before even letting do anything to your animal friend. Some just don't know how important your pet is for you.
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oh the old pellet debate :) lol i've tried the pellets in mash, pellets stuck to fresh fruit, pellets mixed with juice, oh pellets pushed into pea pods, and with just pellets! i ended up with a very upset bird! these are harrisons fine pellets i used

to no avail! nut would pick them out or just ignore them!

but what i did do was reduce the other foods she got, and she would begrudgingly eat some,
but i've now added an extra food dish outside of her cage, and she will eat them when she feels peckish (lol) as she spends most of her time out of her cage, she knows there edible, but she can't be bothered to go into her cage for some of the good stuff, as i generally hide lafebers in her toys etc

so personally if converting from 1 food to another, do it gradually, to avoid waste as mikey says :) and also a shock to the system! i'd imagine the sunflower seeds to be like a chocolate bar and pellets like stores own sugar free musli, and i would have issues with some1 that did that to me!

so introduce new foods etc and have it availible :) we all have times throughout the day when we eat different foods, like the smell of hot dogs and onions, you might not want one, but eventually you gotta give in and have 1 :)

but in all seriousness, with the diet nut gets i really don't worry as much about her eating all pellet diet, as long as she has some pellets, as she also gets lafeber berries and seeded treat sticks, as well as a host of frest fruit (veg she is not over keen on)
If you offer your bird nutritionallly sound foods your bird will not starve itself. If you had a gm. scale you could be getting the weight to check. They do make bird scales but I do not know if they are in Russia. You have had many people here give you good suggestions and sources for doing research. The rest is up to you. I hope everythng works out and you are happy with Yago and him with you. Notice my words in purple at the end of each message I leave.
Some just don't know how important your pet is for you.

No, we know nothing apparently, and have never owned pets of our own that we love and we PURPOSEFULLY kill your animals. Yes ... that's right...

I am ashamed and extremely offended by the comments about vet's on her. I am in veterinary college and know this not to be true. Sometimes, it's the owners that are the problem....
AMR500 I am not saying all vets don't care, I am saying that vet did, well before injecting anything into the animal you should do all the necessary tests, you could notice the some at the beginning of the sentence you quoted, so please don't take anything personal but when it happens with one vet, it pushes you to take precautions with all the others.

SpiritBird, Yago isn't yet happy or very happy with us in the house, but I can see he's getting better, today he moved away a bit from his cage when we were eating he even approached and got on the table where we're eating, I guess this is a good sign for a start.
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awww so happy for yago!! his settling, but if he does not do it again, let him take his time again! this way he will feel more comfortable and also free to wonder about in his new home
Some just don't know how important your pet is for you.

No, we know nothing apparently, and have never owned pets of our own that we love and we PURPOSEFULLY kill your animals. Yes ... that's right...

I am ashamed and extremely offended by the comments about vet's on her. I am in veterinary college and know this not to be true. Sometimes, it's the owners that are the problem....

Sometimes its the vet! Even the vet friends that I talk to all the time would agree. It doesn't make you a know it all just by being in vet school!!! I hear horror stoies about how vet kills their pet. When my dog died I was out of town and my friends brought her body to a different clinic and they needed my permission to do autopsy. I called to give permission. My friend paid for it in advance until I get back. That clinic left me just the stupid rock that killed her and dispose everything else without my permission. I had nothing left from her, no tags, collar, anything. I was really angry, the vet's response is you didn't pay for her, I said yes I did. I paid my friend back as soon as I got back. He can be my witness. Then he hung up on me and don't even apologize... he had MANY compliants against him as a friend of mine took my statement and went to shut him down along with other people's story about him. My friend worked for the state.... so you see NOT all vets are equal!!!
I think we are getting off the topic of helping out a new bird person. Please do not use this forum to bash our animal docs out there. There is always a bad apple in any barrel.
Not bashing! Making a statement... :)

New bird owner, don't be scared!!! I've met some wonderful vets!!!
the new bird person is very happy, cause the bird yesterday got on the ground later on made a very small tour around his cage then got back up... What's better is that he ate from my hand, sunflower seeds though
thats a biggy his settling faster then i thought he would, just let him take his time, and like i say leave new stuff in his cage, thought the sunflower seeds are not the best food for him, to avoid too much sudden changes in his life, let him have some for a little longer but keep showine him new foods
well is it normal that if I try to give him other than sunflower by hand I feel like he's going to bite me, or is it me hallucinating? 1 other question does his bite hurt a lot? cause truth I am a bit scared of what could happen if he bites me!
I say if you are afraid your bird will bite you, the bird will bite you. Birds, especially the kind you have, are very good at sensing what you are feeling. One way to help combat this is to understand and watch for the sometimes very subtle body language. That way you can tell if a bite is coming. Birds will bite us if they are afraid. So be calm, cool and collected with the bird and observe the body language. You are doing much better now.

Parrot Musings: Parrot body language
ok, already read that link somebody gave it to me before in the other post, thanks in all cases... Well I'll observe a bit more before taking the risk. Well does his bite hurt a lot, I am sure you people already tried some :)
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Coco bit me the day that I got her. It bled for ages. I didn't pull away though. It did put me off for a while but you get over it. The best bit of advice that I ever got from this site is not to offer your finger but to offer the back of your hand whilst in a fist. She still mouthed me but didn't bite. I put my hand as close as I could for a few secs then gave her a treat. Each time getting closer. Now I can scratch her and she dosnt even try to bite.
Yes a bite hurts. That is their only defense against something or someone they are afraid of. Please never use gloves. It only serves to make the bird more scared and bite even more. Remember biting is a learned behavior.
Thank you Spiritbird for mentioning the glove thing....I see too many people post using gloves....That's what I was told years ago when I got into it to use gloves. My birds would flee from the glance of a glove....I don't want them to be scared to come out. I never use gloves to train my birds!!!! I use perches instead, that way no one gets hurt!

New Bird Person, I met a wonderful avian vet today, she was wonderful!!!! She did my macaw's nails and give him a free physical while he was being held down, even tweak out the last two feathers that never fell out (main reason why I don't clip, he chews them to the end and they don't fall out). You can tell she's a bird person and dominated Willie. He NEVER goes to anyone but me, he went right to her as she doesn't back down. But he did scream at her and threaten to attack her while I was standing in the lobby with people admiring over him, she came out to check on him to see how he was doing. He remembers what you do to
I'll not use gloves, and never thought about using them. As for clipping, Yago was clipped before I get him, I don't understand why they do that. and now I see him trying to fly when he's out of his cage but he can't, and yesterday he saw where the sunflower seeds are, and in his head he thinks he can fly to get it, so he jumped from his cage trying to fly, but all he did was fall on the ground, that's scaring me and getting me angry I am scared he gets hurt when falling! Why would somebody decide to remove the bird's wings!!!?!
I hope his wings are not removed, just a few feathers clipped so that the fllying is only done low and not ascending. Birds wings are clipped if it is dangerous for them to fly. That would be they fly into walls or windows. If it is done correctly the bird will still be able to fly and will not fall to the ground. They grow back at molting time. Instead of sunflower seeds try pumpkin seeds. Please read the thread New African Grey Mom. It is loaded with good information for you.
New african grey mom
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