New member with Alexandrine


New member
Jan 14, 2024
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I’m Marc, new member to this forum from London, and I’ve recently acquired a 4 month old Alexandrine called Hector.

I‘m now starting the long haul of a journey to bond with him and form a relationship. He doesn’t seem to mind me getting close to the cage to talk to him and observe what food he likes best for treats for training (pistachio, almond, apple, sunflower seed).

I’ve a few questions about letting him out of the cage when I’ve no idea whether I’d be able to get him to go back and whether I need to get him used to my hand being in the cage, as there’s mixed advice out there on these things, but this might be better asked in the Alexandrine section?
Welcome and be welcomed. Rule of thumb with all parrots - take your time. Let the parrot tell you when he is ready to do something. Proceed at the parrots pace of acceptance and not the rate of your expectations. Parrots rate of acceptance to change is often GLACIAL , especially when compared to our quick monkey brains.
Welcome and be welcomed. Rule of thumb with all parrots - take your time. Let the parrot tell you when he is ready to do something. Proceed at the parrots pace of acceptance and not the rate of your expectations. Parrots rate of acceptance to change is often GLACIAL , especially when compared to our quick monkey brains.
Thanks for the advice! 😄

I’m Marc, new member to this forum from London, and I’ve recently acquired a 4 month old Alexandrine called Hector.

I‘m now starting the long haul of a journey to bond with him and form a relationship. He doesn’t seem to mind me getting close to the cage to talk to him and observe what food he likes best for treats for training (pistachio, almond, apple, sunflower seed).

I’ve a few questions about letting him out of the cage when I’ve no idea whether I’d be able to get him to go back and whether I need to get him used to my hand being in the cage, as there’s mixed advice out there on these things, but this might be better asked in the Alexandrine section?
remember, some birds just hate being touched at all, that's what my birds like, not touching the merchandise.
@Marc_G - Parrots are all about trust, so everything you do needs to be measured against that - does this build or break trust? Letting him out of the cage is one of those things. Well, not actually letting him out - its getting him back in that is usually the problem. Having to grab or towel him to get him back in - BIG TRUST BUSTER! SO I would start giving him treats thru the open door, with your hand. Progress to where he will sit on a finger while getting his treat, all within the cage. Only then allow him to go out of the cage. THis will take a few weeks or months to get to that point. BE PATIENT - you aren;t going anywhere and certainly he isn't either.

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