New little hawkhead parrot

We went back to the vet today, just to make sure everything is going ok. He is still sneezy, but snowing no other symptoms. The vet said everything sounded great, and his CBC, as well as gram stains were all normal. So she decided against another round of antibiotics, as it can be tricky with young birds. Since the antibiotics could kill off the good bacteria and cause other problems to surface, like yeast. She is leaning towards something environmental, perhaps its a tad too dry. (Which is odd, since it's still summer; but maybe our A/C filter needs changed or something.) Told me to just keep an eye out, and if I wanted to, could try some children's benedryl, and see if that helps.

On a side note, Mopar does sneeze a little too, from time to time. But not nearly as much as Maverick. So many we do need to change some filters or run a humidifier.

I also am using my old blogspot to write about Maverick. So if anyone wants to follow along, feel free!

He was really cracking me up with how "into" destroying this foot toy he was.

Look at me... I am sweet, not evil. muahaha!
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Still a bit unsure about the harness, as he likes to chew on it. A lot. So going to try to get him in/out of it a few times a week.

We did go to the park today, and had a mist-bath outside.



The blue background from the park's toys really made these colors pop!

God, he's so beautiful!

Just a heads up: When Sootie was little, I started putting the harness on her and she accepted it. Then she started chewing on it like Maverick does. Now the sight of it sends her screaming and flapping away. I don't know what upset her so much but I think I exposed her to it too quickly and now she won't accept it. Maybe reign in putting it on him to much, and just have it around your shoulder or draped over your neck while he's playing on you so he gets accustomed to it and doesn't always associate it with being put on? I don't want him to take umbrage with it like Sootie did!
Thanks for the advice! I usually keep the harness thing to once or twice a week. But keeping it around for him to play with is not a bad idea! :)

Here's a few more from the past week or so:

Maverick looks so majestic! He looks like he is really enjoying the sun:)
Yea, I'll be sad when I cannot take them outdoors anymore due to the weather!

Here's some photos from yesterday:

Tried out the flash today on the camera. Got some interesting results; makes the feathers "pop" a little more!

He always has sweet potato on his beak when I decide to do photos. lol!
Maverick says "thank you!" :)

He was being extra needy today. Flew over to stop me form working on pumpkins. Or maybe he wanted some of that pumpkin. ;)



It's hard to believe that he is almost a year old already!


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