New GCC Owner Looking for Advice

Yes you need to respond to flock calls, but you don't want to respond to screaming.

Parrot in nature stay in contact by voice or site. They are a prey species so this is important. You can also be the first to initiate a contact call. As soon as you leave his sight, have a phrase you say. Really try to pick a phrase, or a whistle as your contact call and stick with it.

For my first bird it was her name, Burt the Bird. I'd leave the room s d say Burt the bird! A d she would also say Burt the bird when she couldn't see me. Now I have so many I say hello, or whistle. Works good to redirect screaming to. If they are screaming I say hello, and then they start saying hello instead if screaming. Contact calls are important ,, but like Noodles said you definitely do t want to teach and reward scream!!!!

Also when possible try and include him. If you know you are going to another room , bri g him and out on a play stand. Indirect attention, just being part of stuff is good, the flock sticks together..
I've decidied that I am now going to be updating this post weekly from here on out and only mentioning important things.

... ...He is really starting to fuss A LOT when I'm not home and I often come back home to him yelling until I sit down by him. On a good note though, he is really used to one of my two roommates and is willing to play with him. The other roommate not so much though. Anyway, any suggestions on how to get him to stay quiet and content while I'm not home? As always, thanks for reading!

Cueing has worked really well with my Sun Conure. When I leave for work, I turn onClassical music Radio. I use Classical because I don’t hate it But don’t really enjoy it.So if I’m at home, I tend to turn it off. I’ve been doing this for months, and she quiets down, and seems to stay quiet until I return. Plus she knows our routines, if I forget something but turn on the classical, she will yell at me till I figure it out. So perhaps you can find a cue for your birdie as well,to prime his expectations.
Week 3

Things are about the same as last week. He still isn't a very big fan of one of my roommates but he is fine with the other. He is starting to scream even more when I'm not home and I'm not too sure how to deal with it. I am doing, as some of you suggested, calls when I am home but not in the same room and he responds and then doesn't make noise but when I leave the house he fusses until I get back and drives my roommates crazy. I even got him more toys that he likes and plays with so I don't think he is bored. Any suggestions on how to stop him from screaming when I am not home? As always, thank you!
Sounds like it’s going pretty well - have you tried leaving music or tv on for him when you are out? Mine do like the radio and it seems to give them something to listen to - other than hearing other activity in the house that they aren’t involved in. I suspect he’s hearing others moving around and wondering why he’s all by himself - just a guess though.
Sounds like it’s going pretty well - have you tried leaving music or tv on for him when you are out? Mine do like the radio and it seems to give them something to listen to - other than hearing other activity in the house that they aren’t involved in. I suspect he’s hearing others moving around and wondering why he’s all by himself - just a guess though.

I haven't even thought of that! Good idea, I'm off this weekend so I will be home for the most part but Monday when I go back I will have to try! I'll leave some music or something on when I leave and see how it goes. Thanks!
Is his cage in your room or out in a common area? It may help him to be "where the action is".
If you are wondering why your GCC is squawking it's just because he/she misses you and can't see you. I've had mine for 2 years so I've heard that a lot. When it comes to the nipping/biting it's normal. Mine is pretty cage aggressive sometimes so it can be hard to take him out without being bit. A tip is to roll up your sleeve, put your arm in the cage and tell your bird to step up. A good way to bond with your parrot is to eat food with them (as long as it doesn't have a lot of sugars and fats and is safe for birds), target train them, groom them, and talk to them softly. Good luck with your new little birdie! :D
How did I miss this great thread for so long?

Wow, you are methodical and you love to document, and fortunately, your writing is lively and entertaining.

Thanks for sharing everything. You're getting great advice. I'll avoid giving any lest my bird's behavior rubs off on yours. Malachite is already better behaved than the Rickeybird!

Just a quick thank you post to everyone who has given me advice and I'm glad (and surprised!) so many people have been looking at and enjoying my thread. I also realize no one has seen a picture of my buddy yet so here it is! He's cuddling up this morning because it's a bit cold!
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very cute!!!! Beautiful colors too!

I'm currently in NC 14 hours from home and my little brother (18) is looking after Malachite. He just called me and told me he just got home and malachite was acting weird and was at the bottom of his cage not doing anything even when offered a bowl of food. Not stepping up nothing. No unusual food or activities. I told him to bring Malachite right to the vet but the nearest one is 45 min away. He is on the way now but I don't know what to do. Any advice or comments on what it could be or what can be done?? Not breathing heavy and eyes half closed. While he was going to the vet he flapped his wings and chirped but is still laying at the bottom of the carrier. I'm extremely scared and worried.
Oh I’m so sorry Malachite is unwell! NOTHING worse than your baby being ill while you’re far from home! Little brother is doing the right thing getting him to the vet, I do so hope he’s ok!
Know that we’re thinking of you and sending positive vibes. Please let us know how you are doing after he’s been to the vet....we’ll be worrying about you both.
It is with an excruciating amount of pain and sadness that I have to say the Malachite has passed away. I don't know what the exact problem was but it it was likely a virus. The vet said that there was mucus around his mouth and beak when he got there. So I suppose this will be the end of our journal. I hope other new conure owners find this and find it helpful in their experience. Thank you again to everyone who gave me advice and kind words of encouragement, but in the end I failed my feathered friend. I'm sorry that this has to end on such a sad note. I hope I made the last few weeks of his life outside of the pet store worth living. Rest in peace Malachite, I really loved you buddy.
I am so sorry for your loss of Malachite. But he was deeply loved in that time he was with you, and so many birds will never know that love. Somehow they just seem capable of taking over your whole life, whether you have them for a week or a decade or more, I don’t know how they do it but they do.

I am sending the warmest of feathered hugs your way. Godspeed to the Rainbow Bridge Malachite, where we will meet you again one day :smile016:

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