new birdie now we have 2


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May 22, 2015
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yakima, wa
I have a beautiful 4 year old brown throated conure named Charlie. Just bought him on April 18 2015
We got a new conure from petco and she's almost a year old her name is kiwi and she's so beautiful she's a pineapple green cheeck. And totally oppasite of Charlie she's is super hyper and curious and sweet she doesn't bit unless you bug her she just came home yesterday and she's already so sweet. But I don't think Charlie likes her I put the two of them close he bites her beak and he puffs up and gets offended. I mean he's just a grouchy bird but we got her so he could have a buddie but he's just mean interested but mean lol . Are birds usually means with another new bird????
(Charlies in my hair nd kiwis trying to go in my robe sleeve lol)
Congratulations on the new flock member! Sounds like Charlie is a bit offended that you went out and got another bird lol. He's being territorial. Sounds normal, and especially for a bird who is used to being alone.

Since you're not doing quarantine, I'd suggest at least getting a vet check and being screened for viral disease. Not saying she has something, but we never know when we don't know her origins (before Petco). I always do it. Well worth the money imo.

Your babies might never like each other, but then again, conures are a very social species so you never know. If Charlie really meant business he'd have attacked Kiwi instead of bluffing and giving her a warning. Time will tell how they come to feel about each other, but I wouldn't push them together too soon. Be careful.

Pineapple GCC are a beautiful mutation. Can we see some pics?
I love Pineapples! congrats! Not to scare you but I've had some problems with Petco birds but it could be just a local thing, dunno. Green Cheeks with yeast and worse yet a Jenday with Chlamidia The Jenday cost me big $$$$$ in vet bills.

But hopefully your little one is healthy and a-ok! I'd introduce them on neutral ground and not inside each other's cages.

Do you have a photo of the new little one?
Heres a picture of kiwi finallly :). Still trying to convinve my hubby that its worth it to take her to the vet but I know if I bug him enough he'll say yes lol:09:


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Thats scary to know they can have things like chlamidia
Beautiful baby! Remember, put Charlie first in everything so that he knows he's not being displaced!
Give him treats first, pick him up first, etc. and for now make sure he knows he is still second in command with you being the flock leader! Oh wait, silly me! He is a GCC, we already know who thinks they are the boss!
Lol yup we make sure of that because charlie is jealous but he knows hes our first baby loland thank u

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