New bird. Special needs. Please help.

I'm so glad to hear that his leg issue is neither neurological or kidney related!

And I'm sure that his health will only continue to improve from here on out. Please keep the updates coming!
Lauren, thank you so much for this happy update. Nacho is a super cute name for a wonderful bird. I'm just thrilled Nacho has a new name, a new life, and a caring parront to help him thrive.

Can't wait to see his new custom parrot palace.
I'm so glad you updated the vet visit right away, and very glad his foot problems are not serious...I've been wondering what it could be. Love the name Nacho his last name Libre?
Thank you all so much! It's so nice to be able to share things with "bird people". I don't have any family/friends that are into birds like I am so they don't really get it.

Here are some pictures...

The first is one of my cats, Eva, "helping" me put it together. And then her trying it out for herself :rolleyes:


This is the cage all assembled...


And here is Nacho, who climbed in on his own to explore!



I'm going out today to get him a bunch of perches and toys since he is seriously lacking. Also have to buy all new food. I didn't bother to check the expiration date on the crappy food the previous owner gave me when I took him. Most of it expired in January 2014... some of it expired in JULY 2012! :mad: I feel guilty for not checking it sooner :(

I was thinking a few more comfy rope perches for his feet - the vet agrees they would be best for him. Any other ideas?

He's really making himself at home... :D

Nacho is beautiful, Lauren! And the cage is awesome!

As for suggestions, I'd say to include some branch perches of varying widths to help exercise his feet in addition to the rope perches, as well as a pedi-perch or two to keep his nails filed to manageable levels.
Awesome pictures, Lauren, thanks so much for sharing!! :) LOL @ Eva trying the cage out!! (Sweet looking kitty, too!!)

I agree with Stephen about natural perches with various diameters. And rope perches sound like a winner, too! :D And please, don't beat yourself up over the expired bird food.

Nacho will be spoiled - deservedly so. He's in THE best hands now!!
Beautiful story. Beautiful bird (love the name). Beautiful person for doing this for this beautiful little guy. Thanks for sharing your inspiring and touching story.
Oh and by the way, his beak looks perfectly normal in the video you posted:)
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Wow! Great new cage for Nacho and look at him exploring it already! Cute photos!

I'm so happy you decided to adopt this little sweetie, Lauren. I hope this is the beginning of a long, happy companionship!
Heeheehee! I love the photos of Eva testing the cage for you, Laura! What a great help she is.

I'm just stunned by little Nacho's good fortune to have met you. He's a gorgeous little guy and will only improve over time with the attention you'll give him. I'd like to suggest using seagrass matting in his cage. My Dominic has trouble getting around owing to fatty tumours that impede his movement. I've hung a seagrass mat from his cargo net and he feels fine about clambering about on it. There's lots of foot- and beak-holds available and I think he feels more secure with that.

Another idea I've seen with a special needs Corella was sisal rope threaded through the vertical bars of the cage. This gave the bird much-needed horizontal footholds, allowing him to climb around his cage more effectively (only had one foot). If Nacho's problem is ligament damage, then I'd think it'd be useful to encourage him to use his damaged limb rather than resting it: that way, he'll build up strength and muscle mass and, hopefully, improve his mobility. I wonder whether he'd allow you to gently massage his little foot and help it to open more?

I'm SO glad you two came together and can't wait to see more pics of your handsome birdie. :)
I suggest taking him to the vet, the sooner the better. It's not an emergency but it's also not something to take your time on. It doesn't seem like that is the way he was born, maybe he was injured in some way. I don't believe the beak is in bad condition. He may be holding it weird.

I hope the best for you! Good for you rescuing him. c:
I'm digging his new digs already :P he is so precious and I am ecstatic that his foot isn't anything to fret about!! He looks so happy with you
Thank you all so much for your kind words! Nacho now has 3 rope perches (one a boing), 2 natural wood perches, and a snuggle hut. Also have a couple dowels of various diameters my husband made for him.

'd like to suggest using seagrass matting in his cage. My Dominic has trouble getting around owing to fatty tumours that impede his movement. I've hung a seagrass mat from his cargo net and he feels fine about clambering about on it. There's lots of foot- and beak-holds available and I think he feels more secure with that.

Another idea I've seen with a special needs Corella was sisal rope threaded through the vertical bars of the cage. This gave the bird much-needed horizontal footholds, allowing him to climb around his cage more effectively (only had one foot). If Nacho's problem is ligament damage, then I'd think it'd be useful to encourage him to use his damaged limb rather than resting it: that way, he'll build up strength and muscle mass and, hopefully, improve his mobility. I wonder whether he'd allow you to gently massage his little foot and help it to open more?

Where can I find a seagrass mat and a cargo net? I've never seen those in pet stores.

He won't let me touch his feet. I've tried but he makes a warning screech and lunges like he's going to bite. I'll keep working with it though and slowly build trust. I'm so used to Tiki who lets me poke and prod wherever I want :)

Thanks again everyone.
What an awesome website! How did I not know about this?! :D
Shop at MSBS with extreme caution, Lauren, otherwise you'll need a program with twelve steps. But you'll be among friends. :)
I thought I was getting bad with Drs. Foster and Smith! I feel like I just hit the mother load! My husband is going to kill me :)
Lauren, you are welcome! Glad I could help!
Msbs is sooooooooo much fun. They have sales allllll the time. Friday's sale was 15% off and free shipping of $75 or more. So I ordered s bunch. They shipped Friday I got it today.

Their boxes are so much fun to unpack too. Treats for dogs, toy for kitties, and candy for me. :)
Just wanted to share a couple videos and updates of Nacho. As you remember, he has lameness in his left foot (the banded leg).

When I first brought Nacho home, he would not "step up" very well. He would protest and bite. This, I believe, had something to do with the way his previous owner handled him... which involved 'just tolerating the bite' and knocking him off his feet to get him on your hand. He also had difficulty walking and maneuvering due to an older (tendon?) injury in his foot that never healed properly. It prevents/ed him from walking properly - it also takes him a few seconds to "get it going" when he tries to step up. Nacho also was not used to be touched/pet/scritched/cuddled in any way. If your hand went anywhere near him he would screech and "bite" (his bites don't break skin or even hurt that bad).

Anyway... Nacho has been in his new house for about 6 weeks now. He has perches of different materials and diameters. He gets ample time out of his cage. I've been extensively working on "step up" command, getting him used to being handled, and even taught him a trick ;)

He now steps up perfectly... only once in awhile his foot gives him trouble. I think this is due in large part to a much needed nail trim and also to the foot exercise he's been getting. This morning he was walking around on the chair, and I had to take a video of how AWESOME his foot is doing! It used to curl up into a fist when he was placed on a flat surface and he would limp.

Here is the video from the day I brought him home:
[ame=""]Sun Conure lameness. - YouTube[/ame]

And here is the video from today :D
[ame=""]Nacho's foot improvement - YouTube[/ame]

I am so, so proud of this little guy!

And this video is him showing off what a great little bird he is. He steps up/down perfectly, leans in for a kiss (I taught him :D), sways to "oooooh", and dances when you give him a beat! LOL

(I look a fright, this was after I first woke up after working a double shift the night before...but I don't care I want to show him off lol)

[ame=""]Nacho Boy - YouTube[/ame]
Oh my gosh what an incredible difference!!! WOW! Nacho has come such a long way in such a short amount of time. :D Kudos to you!! He looks fabulous, happy, content and gorgeous. :smile015:

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