Just wanted to share a couple videos and updates of Nacho. As you remember, he has lameness in his left foot (the banded leg).
When I first brought Nacho home, he would not "step up" very well. He would protest and bite. This, I believe, had something to do with the way his previous owner handled him... which involved 'just tolerating the bite' and knocking him off his feet to get him on your hand. He also had difficulty walking and maneuvering due to an older (tendon?) injury in his foot that never healed properly. It prevents/ed him from walking properly - it also takes him a few seconds to "get it going" when he tries to step up. Nacho also was not used to be touched/pet/scritched/cuddled in any way. If your hand went anywhere near him he would screech and "bite" (his bites don't break skin or even hurt that bad).
Anyway... Nacho has been in his new house for about 6 weeks now. He has perches of different materials and diameters. He gets ample time out of his cage. I've been extensively working on "step up" command, getting him used to being handled, and even taught him a trick
He now steps up perfectly... only once in awhile his foot gives him trouble. I think this is due in large part to a much needed nail trim and also to the foot exercise he's been getting. This morning he was walking around on the chair, and I had to take a video of how AWESOME his foot is doing! It used to curl up into a fist when he was placed on a flat surface and he would limp.
Here is the video from the day I brought him home:
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UszQsJvq7Fg"]Sun Conure lameness. - YouTube[/ame]
And here is the video from today

[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Cimlwhpppo8"]Nacho's foot improvement - YouTube[/ame]
I am so, so proud of this little guy!
And this video is him showing off what a great little bird he is. He steps up/down perfectly, leans in for a kiss (I taught him

), sways to "oooooh", and dances when you give him a beat! LOL
(I look a fright, this was after I first woke up after working a double shift the night before...but I don't care I want to show him off lol)
[ame="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e0tFEAaKHic"]Nacho Boy - YouTube[/ame]