new baby IRN that won't let me near him


Active member
Mar 27, 2023
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Knoxville, TN
One Goffins cockatoo. I would love more but she hates other birds!
I have a new baby male IRN. He is supposed to be about 3-4 months old. I've had him for a month now but he just won't let me near him. He is nothing like Nelson, my other IRN, who is so bonded to me. Is this normal for an IRN? Nelson bonded to me straight away but he was also much younger when I got him. Ross, new baby, was so scared of me in the beginning it really worried me. He still won't come to me in his cage but if he gets on the floor he will now step up on my hand and run up my arm but then will immediately fly back to his cage. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to bond with him? I don't force anything on him.
I'm no expert but... I wonder if TIME will help... just time... for the baby to acclimate, learn abut you, relax, grow up a little. Maybe the baby is nervous about the grown bird. maybe try to give baby alone time, separate time, of you're not already doing this? You really sound like you're doing a good job to me.

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